
Showing posts from May, 2014


Hi Everyone, So I am planning on doing a post every Monday. I am not making any promises but I think I'll probably write one when I'm ready to write something and then schedule it to go live at the same time each week.  But back to today's post! As promised, everything you need to know about me...the TMI Tag!  Now no one has tagged me to do this but I'm new, so I am going to do it anyway...hehe.  What is my full name?   Hannah Elizabeth Slack In case you missed the first post, this is what I look like :) Unfortunately I got an iPhone for Christmas and since I have become a slight 'selfie-taker addict'  How old am I?  18 years old...nearly! Where do I live?  Wakefield in Yorkshire, England Who do I live with? I live with my Mum, younger sister and my mother's boyfriend. FYI: My dad is still in the picture and he lives 20 minutes away from my house. I tend to go to his house every other weekend, but we talk all the time :) This i...


Hi Everyone, I am brand new to blogging, not just to this channel but blogging full stop. I have recently started to watch a lot of YouTube videos and through this I have been lead to blogs. My favourite is, without-a-doubt, Anna Saccone (! Girls...if you are interested in fashion, beauty and mummy posts, it is definitely worth a read. :)  I feel like many people use blogs as a way to communicate with others and share their lives with everyone so I thought I would give it a try. Maybe I can meet some people and make some friends!  To start off here are just some quick pictures from this year to introduce you to ME!  January-February: I have been travelling the country this year, going to interviews for university. After my last, I was so relieved that they were all over, pleased none of them went disastrously.  20 April: This year my mother and I spent  Easter Sunday  travelling around Yorkshire, seeing my family...