
Showing posts from 2020

What "WE" got Each Other for Christmas (Girlfriend/Boyfriend Edition)

Following on from my " What I got for Christmas 2020 ", I wanted to share a separate post of what my boyfriend and I got each other this year, like I did last year .  Luke is possibly one of the most difficult people to buy for. Not only does he buy everything he wants for himself, but he also doesn't have enough room for anything and his room is so unbelievably cluttered. It's awful and of course I want him to be happy, but the thought of more things being in the house petrifies me. Not only that but he is also so straight faced and never seems to enjoy anything so it's so hard to read him. In the end, I decided to get items off his wish list to be safe.  I decided to go for a bit of a smothering you want, something you need, something to wear and something to eat! I skipped out on the read because he already has a stack lined up. I went for a couple of DIY tools ( squeegy and contour gauge ) for the need, and food was sorted with Turkish delights and make your ...

My Perfect Midwifery Graduation Gift!

This month, I've finished my journey as a student midwife. I have completed all my requirements and unofficially graduated. I had a few comments asking what that meant and basically, due to the Christmas holidays, the university closed, therefore they then have a week to submit all the paperwork to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, who then register me and then I am officially a qualified, registered midwife. So even though I've finished at university , I still have a little bit of waiting to do. Anyway, despite all that, it still feels as though I've graduated, especially after our online celebration day a couple weeks ago.  I got so many amazing, beautiful and lovely presents this year for Christmas. I can genuinely say I love them all, but nothing is more special or meaningful than this necklace. It is partially a graduation present and partially a Christmas present from my mum, and I love everything it stands for. I don’t know where she found it, but it will forever b...

Graduation Gift, Shocking Surprises and Christmas Eve!

 It's a strange time to celebrate Christmas but we're trying!  Click here to watch the vlog or see below.  As I am still classed as a student until January 10th 2021, I was still allowed to return to my mother's address for the Christmas holidays and despite feeling strange, it was lovely. When I got home, I wanted to go round and see family by dropping off Christmas cards at everyone's houses. I couldn't warrant the cost of posting all the Christmas cards and it's nice to be able to wave from a distance at the very least.  We had some lovely home cooked meals with M+S pizzas, carbonara, fajitas and a roast chicken meal. It’s so nice to not have to cook or clean for a while and the quality of M+S food is just so much nicer! At one of the meals, my mum gave me a somewhat early graduation present and it’s so meaningful and special. I’m going to share a post about it separately tomorrow.  I had a couple of pyjama days and became obsessed with Virgin River on Netfli...

Merry Christmas 2020!

I didn't want to miss the opportunity to say Merry Christmas to each and everyone of my lovely readers. I've absolutely loved all the support and opportunities this platform has given me, this year more than ever and it's thanks to all of you. Next year will be bigger and better!  I didn't want to make this post a long one because I hope you're all celebrating Christmas will family and loved ones, even if it is from a distance. I know it's a strange one and as I've already discussed on Monday , I'm not judging anyone for their decisions to stay home or create a 3 household bubble, but to continue to spread some festive cheer for all those that need it, I thought I would share some of my previous Christmas vlogs!  I'm a little in shock at how long I've got these going back for now but here's the last few years.  2019 : back when normality wasn't even a consideration.  2018 : a cosy, family game and truly comforting Christmas.  2017 : one w...

The Christmas Tag 2020

I've always loved a Christmas TAG (well TAGs in general!) and it's been so long since I last did a proper one. I haven't done a Christmas TAG especially since 2018 , so that makes me all the more excited to do this one. I was actually looking at which ones were available because I feel like I've done quite a few, but I was so excited when Grace from GracebyGrace  tagged me in this one. You can read her version  here , and before I start, I just want to say a huge thank you to Grace for always inspiring me and giving me such food for thought!  Rules Turn your favourite Christmas music up as you answer these questions. Grab a drink and/or a snack(or two) while writing. Thank the blogger who tagged you and link their site. Answer the 10 original questions. Answer the questions set by whoever has tagged you. Ask two questions of your own. Tag 6 other bloggers to take part. Original Questions When do your decorations go up? Usually the 1st of December as part of a Christmas ...

The End of my Undergraduate Midwifery Studies!

As of Thursday, I have officially finished my last day on placement as a student midwife. I still can't quite believe my undergraduate journey is over, and what a journey it has been! It's still not quite official until the 10th January when our applications get sent off to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, but everything is good to go on my end so it's now left with the university to submit the paperwork.  I often feel guilty when people discuss how hard and long it took them to get into midwifery and whilst, I didn't find it difficult, I had my own struggle to get to the place I am now. I really do feel I have accomplished so much throughout my three years at the University of Nottingham, both at a department and faculty level, but also within the wider university. I was looking through images for our cohort celebration day a couple of weeks ago and it truly has been a action packed, incredibly busy and wildly accomplished three year whirlwind.  I feel very ready to...

Finishing University, Wollaton Lights and Celebrating Qualifying!

Completing my undergraduate studies has been busy but I've still made time for some festive fun in between other commitments!  Click here to watch the vlog or see below.  My last week as a student midwife didn't quite go to plan. The unit was ridiculously busy, the "normality" was far from it and I left my last shift feeling shattered, heartbroken and in need of a much needed rest. Nevertheless, I have now (un)officially  finished  and it feels amazing! I can't wait to wear normal clothes and makeup for a while, even if there isn't anywhere to go just yet.  I got a couple of cards in the last week which was actually really lovely. I'm not showing the insides for obvious confidentiality reasons but I wanted to remember the small moments of happiness. Plus, I ended the week with a little late night trip and picked up a lovely gift and card from my mentor.  To finish the course, the 17th December was our last ever shift as student midwives in placement. To ce...

Sustainable Living Starts with Small Changes!

As some of you may know, I have been trying to make small changes to be more sustainable in 2020 . For me, whilst some may preach that global warming isn't real, I well and truly believe it is. This next year I want to do more, I want to be better.  At work, with so much single use personal protective equipment and even more waste than normal, I really want my personal life to be as minimally wasteful as possible. Since I've moved into my new house, I am pleased to say that the majority of my rubbish is recycled. I manage to get thought roughly 3 small 15L bin bags each fortnight and the rest is put in the recycling bin. I also have minimised food waste by eating and keeping track of what I have and the use by dates. Plus, meal planning I've found is really important, especially when I'm not home alone.  I've also had so many packages delivered with unnecessary copious amounts of packaging and whilst most of it is plastic free, I still find it very excessive. Lil Pa...