
Showing posts from November, 2023

Pretty Little Home: November Subscription Box (Review)

Another month, another subscription box. This month's home decor box from Pretty Little Home was very exciting for me to open. I was so excited to get some new Christmas themed pieces and my expectations were high!  The first thing I opened was the largest box and I was so excited to see  3 Large Ceramic Houses . This something I have wanted to purchase for myself for a long time. I love that they light up with the batteries already in. I would have liked to see some variety between the houses instead of them being all the same, but nevertheless, they are really good quality and lovely pieces. One of my favourite items are these  3 Christmas Trees . They are so cute and I love how they will fit in almost any room. This  Ceramic Christmas Tree Mug – Matt White  is something I was hoping for, after receiving a similar Halloween/Autumn themed pumpkin one. I love that this one is smooth at the opening, making it easier to drink from. Plus, the pattern is a gorg...

Bloom + Wild: November 2023 Bonus (Review)

This month, I have a double bouquet and it's the first truly Christmas feel option. I usually try to pick colours and flowers which match my living room as that's where I like them to live, but this time I was feeling some change. I went for all the reds, pinks and purples and I love it!  The November Pick contained 17 stems including roses, stocks, alstroemeria, hypericum berries, rosemary, eucalyptus, statice and carnations. I actually tried to pick a letterbox flower option which had more stems in by number, as I felt it would make my vase look fuller and it defintely did the job.  The description of this bouquet is just so much fun and I had to share it in full because it captured the last few weeks perfectly: Hedgerow berries. The glow of fireworks. Diwali lanterns. November is full of colour if you know where to look. To match, we've filled this month's pick with stems that are just as vibrant. And for a zingy boost, it's dotted with some rosemary too. As alwa...

Disney on Ice, Christmas Markets and Getting Active!

After a lovely week off, I have had some downtime sandwiched between 2 sets of 3 night shifts. I enjoyed Disney of Ice, Christmas markets, celebrated my nephew's first birthday and did lots of university also.  Click here to watch the vlog or see below.  My cousin finally got the keys for her new house, and with that, my garage was back to being mine which feels absolutely amazing. I've been quite busy with gardening and university work so I haven't quite completely returned it to it's original space, but it's slowly getting there and I finally have my organisation space back. I undecorated for Halloween and managed to move all the decorations to the garage. I was originally going to decorate for Christmas early but I decided to keep to simple Autumn decor for now.  I finally went to Disney on Ice after waiting for so many year. I've wanting to go with someone, especially a child to make it extra special, but after being unable to organise anything with my niece...

My House Value: Worth It?

A lot of you probably know that last year I bought I house in the height of the market boom and paid well over the cost of market value to buy my first home. It was on the market for £190,000 and I purchased it for £205,000. Looking back, it was a huge mistake, but at the time, I had every intention of being in this house for at least 3 years, but likely so much more.  I always wanted to move back home to Wakefield, but after being completely and utterly in love with my partner at the time, I thought we were meant to be and to me, we were well on our way to get married. He refused to compromise on location, so instead we decided to live where he wanted in Nottingham. Well, since we've broken up, it's been torture living somewhere I envisioned us living in together. A place where I thought we would get engaged at, would be as a married couple and bring our first baby home to. I kept telling myself, once all the work was finished, it would feel like home and whilst, it's a hu...

Recognised: Silver Bangle and Silver Dove Popon Set

I feel beyond honoured to have received this gift this month and I am so excited the share all about it. My favourite jewellery brand is Recognised and I have shared them so many times before. They create beautiful, timeless, high-quality products that are made to last. But, not only that, they each have a special purpose and meaning behind them and the business donates the profits to important and worthy charities to match the cause. I just love everything they stand for!  I recently entered the Recognised World Mental Health Day competition, sharing my story from the past year. I received the following:  As we celebrate 5 years of the Recognised Dove Popon®, we have been so moved to learn all that it means to you personally. It is so important that we are all seen, known and recognised and that we each know that we are not alone in our story. We are so moved to read that your Dove carried a hope that helped you to get through an incredibly difficult time. We are so glad that...

What I Miss the Most...

After sharing my love languages last week, I couldn't help but think about what I miss the most about being in a romantic relationship.  I miss the little things:  Being given a foot massage  Having my hair blow dried Getting a home cooked meal  Enjoying a head massage  Dancing in the kitchen together  Kissing goodbye in the morning  When I first thought of these, I felt most were related to physical touch, but when I truly stepped back to look at them, they were acts of service. I work long shifts at work and I have a long-term ankle injury which makes my ankle swell up at the end of most days and it's incredibly painful. A foot massage really helps with the pain. I have really thick and long hair, that holds in water for 24 hours. I can never be bothered to blow dry it because it takes almost an hour to fully dry and I have so many other things to do, it seems a waste of time. I hate cooking, but I'm also very independent and don't like to ask for h...

Pumpkin Festival, Random Life and Bonfire Night!

Since coming back from holiday, I haven't recorded too much, so here's a good month worth of footage with little clips, including a Pumpkin Festival and After Dark Bonfire Night celebrations.  Click here to watch the vlog or see below.  I booked myself a much needed pamper day at home with a luxury pedicure, followed by a lovely back, shoulder, neck and scalp massage. I've never had it from the comfort of my own home and it really need feel very indulgent.  I've also started trying to be healthy again. I tried to do some meal prepping, I went back to the first exercises I've done since pre-covid and I also bought a gym membership! I will be writing a whole post shortly to share my thoughts and hopefully keep myself accountable.  Mental Health Day was a crappy day for me, which was upsetting, as I had such high expectations. However, the rest of the week improved. I attended a PMA Conference and even got a lunch bag before a day of universty lectures in the afternoon...