Midwifery Job Success: Decision Making and Advice!

I am so unbelievably excited to share that I have officially and successfully been shortlisted, interviewed and offered jobs at both of the hospitals in which I applied for. Today I wanted to share my experience, decision making process and a little advice from my end, not dissimilar to my OSCE post last week. I feel like as a young adult, I've had my fair share of interviews throughout my life but I haven't had any for over 3 years, since applying to study Midwifery at the University of Nottingham. After being placed at two different hospitals during my university placements, I decided I enjoyed both trusts and would love to work at them both, each for different reasons. I briefly considered applying for a third job, one closer to my mother and her family. In fact, I may have ended up applying if I didn't apply for one job so early on in the process, so I knew I always had that as an option quite early on. In the end, because I had a successful application already, I dec...