What "WE" got Each Other for Christmas (Girlfriend/Boyfriend Edition)
Following on from my " What I got for Christmas 2020 ", I wanted to share a separate post of what my boyfriend and I got each other this year, like I did last year . Luke is possibly one of the most difficult people to buy for. Not only does he buy everything he wants for himself, but he also doesn't have enough room for anything and his room is so unbelievably cluttered. It's awful and of course I want him to be happy, but the thought of more things being in the house petrifies me. Not only that but he is also so straight faced and never seems to enjoy anything so it's so hard to read him. In the end, I decided to get items off his wish list to be safe. I decided to go for a bit of a smothering you want, something you need, something to wear and something to eat! I skipped out on the read because he already has a stack lined up. I went for a couple of DIY tools ( squeegy and contour gauge ) for the need, and food was sorted with Turkish delights and make your ...