
Showing posts from 2017

My 2017 Year Recap!

I may have already uploaded my 2017  Best Nine of Instagram  but let's be honest, what social media deems as popular is not necessarily the biggest moments of your life. 2017 has been a massive year for me. It's been full of ups and downs. It's been harder than I ever imagined but it's also been an incredible year of change. It's opened so many doors of possibility and given me the opportunity to explore things I never anticipated. The start of the year was incredibly difficult. I found it harder than I ever imagined and at times I was sad but being around people and balancing my downtime defintely helped. I found great friendship with my flatmates and I loved being independent in London . When June and July hit, I didn't know what to do with my life but I knew I would find success in some way. Failing medical school was hard to accept. Thinking about it now, I still shed a tear because it really was - and still is - a dream of mine. I'm not sure how l...

My "Best of 2017" - Pictures Explained

I love looking back on the past and since Best Nine on Instagram was launched, I have shared my most liked Instagram pictures ( 2016 and 2015 ). I think some of them are quite self explanatory but others have more of a story to them, that can often be lost if it's just the picture itself.  1. This is a photo taken at Harrods by my mum. Let's face it, it's the first time she's ever taken a decent picture! I am actually surprised that it's the most liked photo though. It was a fun Harry Potter inspired trip which a bought for her Christmas and birthday present: Harry Potter Studio Tour and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child . 2. My last night out as a UCL Student at UCLU was also the last night you could get in for free. The next week they raised the prices and the club went massively down hill. 3. 6. and 9. Birchbox is my favourite beauty subscription box. I love the design of the boxes but I did eventually unsubscribe after just over a year because the prod...

The Greatest Showman (Review)

The Greatest Showman wasn't advertised as being released until January 20th but with the demand and opening numbers in America is was pushed forward. Well, my friend and I jumped at the chance to see it early!  Click here or watch the trailer below.  Inspired by the imagination of P. T. Barnum, The Greatest Showman is an original musical that celebrates the birth of show business and tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation.  I went because the trailer looked interesting and the cast had an incredible line up...urm hello? Zac Efron! I came out changed for the better. It's sometimes difficult to understand just how harsh the world used to be. While I can't relate on all levels, I think most people at some point have been bullied in their lives. I think a lot of people have been heartbroken or hurt or felt alone in the world, despite it holding billions of people. I have and I'm sure I will again....

What I Got For Christmas 2017!

Like the past few years ( 2015 , 2016 ) I wanted to share what I got for Christmas so here is my present haul! This year I got well and truly spoilt! I got quite a few presents, many of which were unexpected so I'm going to make this as quick as possible. Hopefully I'll be able to find as many links as possible but apologies if I cannot.  Mini Light Box - This will be perfect for my university room decor. Small and sweet. Angel Decoration - A vintage feel and perfect for both a tree or door alike. H Hanging Ornament - I love this and the fact it lights up! Knot Earrings - I bought these for a couple of friends and wanted to match so I treated myself as well. Smartphone Projector - I love this and can't wait to try it to see how well it works! The Happy Planner Company - This is so pretty and defintely going to be well loved and used. M&S Advent Beauty Calendar - £250 worth of product for £35 (or £70 alone), yes please! A surprise a day. Stati...

Tails.Com: Dog Food (Review)

I love animals and growing up on a farm, they've always been a huge part of my life. One saying I know to be true is that a dog is a man's best friend and my two black labrodors are defintely apart of our tight-knit family unit. Holly and Tilly we a present from a friend who bred them; they were ready to come home just after my birthday and it was the perfect gift! You can read all about them in my  Meet my Dogs  post but today I wanted to talk about an incredible dog food service called is a tailor-made food just for your dog. You input information about your dog to see their ideal food. Based on your dog’s breed, age, weight, condition and activity levels, they calculate how much food they need every day. You can also add in flavour and ingredient preferences, health issues, exclusions and any allergies for their exact nutritional requirements. You will receive a hand-blended a selection of high quality kibbles (from over a million combinations) to cr...

2018 Destination Bucket List!

Having recently returned from my trip to Miami , I have defintely caught the travelling bug. I could have easily stayed out there for another week as there was so much to do. I'm honestly still in shock that I won it and the all-expenses paid activity package. Growing up, I always went on once holiday a year; it was usually a 2 week all inclusive package where we mainly stayed on the resort. Since starting university I have changed that up a little bit. Of course, I still love relaxing and defintely think the holiday calm and serenity helps me chill, but I have defintely switched my main focus somewhat. That has also been essential as I am now the one paying, rather than my parents. Over the past 3 years, I have instead gone on 2 short trips a year. One usually for a week where I do relax and another to a big busy city, for a short trip, to explore the hustle and bustle. I've actually really enjoyed both the independently organised city trips and the more beachy holidays. A...

Friends, Family and Food!

This week was all about spending time with family and friends, while enjoying some yummy food and spending far too much money! I had visitors and I visited people all week. It was fun!  Click here to watch the vlog or see below! Monday started the week with me hanging out with Alice at Trinity Walk. She ended up being about half an hour late but it actually ended up being okay because I got to do some last minute Christmas shopping for my dad and cousins. I didn't think my dad's planned present was going to arrive in time - luckily it did - so I bought him some, as well as both my cousins!  We had tea at Pizza Express. Honestly, it's just easy to get to and usually cheap. I'd been craving the brownies so I was super excited. I actually really like going with Alice because we both ended up getting 3 courses rather than me looking super greedy!  Tuesday was a long day as me and my little sister made our way towards London. I've been trying to see ...