
Showing posts from August, 2017

Medicine Mentoring and (A Levels and GCSEs) Tutoring: In Home and Online

I've shared this in a few different places but not on here so I thought I would make a dedicated post. I am now offering tutoring services for both A Levels and GCSEs. I really enjoyed studying and my time in both high school and college. While I didn't find it easy, I learnt a few tips and tricks to successful revision and ended up getting great results.  At GCSEs, I had 12 A*s, 1A and 1 Distinction. In A Levels, I achieved A*A*AAA and 1 Distinction.  I am also doing Get into Medical School guidance, support and mentoring. While I may not have flown through medical school successfully, in terms of my application I was perfect. I received all 4 interviews and got 3 offers: University College London, University of Nottingham and Birmingham University.  I really enjoyed the whole process and ended up helping a number of my peers with their applications too. As well as that, I have given advice and guidance to a number of other people over the past 3 years fo...

Life Changing Nottingham Trip!

Last week I headed to Nottingham for a pretty massive life changing trip! Click here to watch the vlog or see below. I am currently in the process of writing up a life update blog post but in the meantime, I am no longer studying Medicine at University College London after failing my examinations. So on Thursday, I rang up Nottingham asking about place availability for Midwifery starting in the current year. I was on the phone for a few minutes and after quickly sharing my A Level results I was told I would be contacted later on in the week if I had been put forward. Well 20 minutes later, I just got out of the shower and they rang back for an over-the-phone interview. Completely unprepared, I spoke from the heart and sure enough they offered me an interview on the following Tuesday. Everything happened so quickly and before I knew it, I'd recieved confirmation via email. Telling my mother, she was thrilled and we decided she would drive me down and we would stay ...

Abstract Reasoning (UKCAT Tips)

I have done a couple of posts related to the UKCAT previously but I wanted to share some tips and techniques for each of the five individual sections. You can read those posts  here  where I shared my favourite books and  here  for information about the test, process, application and what to expect. Click here to read about the previous section. I may be the only one but I actually love this section! I find this section really fun and in a way that's how you need to look at the section. Think of it as a game of spot the difference almost. It's the last section so you've been using your brain for a long period of time by this point. It's nice to have a more relaxing section to finish. Trust me, the 13 minutes to do 55 questions will fly by. This section is all about looking at patterns and determining a rule that fits with all the boxes in the set. There are always at least 2 rules so find the 2 rules before even thinking about looking at the test shapes and qu...

Massive Life Update: Raw, Open and Honest

It's been a while since I've written a big life update so this post is defintely well overdue and there is so much to share. I think I've now briefly mentioned little snippets of a lot of information across my different social media accounts, whether that's YouTube or this blog, but I haven't written or explained in depth about each of them and so here I am. There is a lot to talk through so I really hope even though this post is long, you will stay until the end for some of my most life changing news. Blog The most noticeable change has to be this blog! I recently wrote a blog update post but it wasn't quite finished. I wanted to wait to share until the final changes had been implemented but at the time I didn't know how long - if ever! - it would take. As such, I decided to go ahead and announce the changes and continue working on my blog behind the scenes. Well I've been working away behind the scenes and I am overjoyed at the results. I can...

"Daytripping" June Birchbox: Unboxing and Review

This post is so late! I have had it written for over 2 months. I just had so many others posts I was more excited to post instead. So take yourself back to June and read like it's the start of summer! It's my birthday month/week and I am so happy that I got the June Birchbox! This month is a little different but fun. Instead of a Birchbox, it's a BirchBAG and it's a cute wash bag which we got to select between a pale blue and a yellow. I was feeling summery and chose yellow! As usual, it came with the product card but also a 15% off voucher for Trouva! Feel free to use and let me know what the boutique is like! Onto the products! Honestly, I was quite unimpressed this month but I did like the bag so perhaps I can get over it. My first product was a dry shampoo and while I do love the brand, unfortunately, for one, I don't use dry shampoo and two, I've received this product 3 times now!  Again, not a fan of the type of product btu I do think ...

Oska Pulse for Pain Relief! Q+A

As most of you know, I'm a medical student at UCL and as such, I like to stay updated on new technology that is meant to help people control and manage their health. Recently, a product called Oska Pulse has made remarkable progress in proving to reduce pain. What is it? Oska Pulse is a wearable pain relief device intended to help individuals live an active pain-free lifestyle. It puts the power of optimized PEMF in the palm of your hand so you can enjoy a pain-free, active lifestyle and get back to the things you love most in life. It is safe, effective, small and portable. It can be used anywhere! How does it work? Oska Pulse mimics how the body naturally recovers. When cells are injured or have degenerated, they lose their electrical potential and are no longer able to exchange ions, causing inflammation and pain. This device uses optimized PEMF to restore the electrical potential cells need to receive nutrients and oxygen, which stimulates cellular regeneration, rel...

Food, LipSense and Bath Bombs!

It's been a fun week of meeting up with friends and family but I've managed to find some time to relax and watch a heck of a lot of Pretty Little Liars. Click here to watch the vlog or see below! If you've been following me on Twitter, at all over the last month, you  may have noticed I've been obsessed with watching Pretty Little Liars and I've managed to watch the entire series - yes! all 7 seasons! - in just under a month. And I have absolutely loved it. This passed week I finally finished it and I will be writing a review on it because despite it being way late for the majority of people, I have all the emotions and need to write them down!  LipSense is one of my new passions and I have absolutely loved trying on some new colours in preparation for my in home parties next week! I tried on Fly Girl (which I have tried on but not actually worn before), Caramel Apple, Pink Champagne, Sassy Z and Beige Champagne! Lots and lots!  Everyone needs a ...