Blogmas Announcement!
So tonight's post is a little different. I have decided this year that I am going to Blogmas! I am so excited to write a post everyday of this month/up until Christmas. Officially, it's up until Christmas but I haven't quite decided if I'm just going to go all out and write for the remaining few days. I'm going to be having a few running themes that will hopefully last. Monday will continue to be an event and a YouTube video. Thursday will continue to be Thursday Thoughts. Friday will be Film Friday with either some sort of review. I will probably throw in a TV series of book. Sunday will be a weekly recap with a picture from each day and brief description of each day. The remaining 3 days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday) will be a complete mixture of anything and everything. I'm hoping to do some collabs with some other blogger friends so looks out for a maybe 'Work It Wednesday' series! :) I can't wait to right them so I hope you are ...