
Showing posts from December, 2014

My Favourite Quote!

My favourite quote of all time is: "Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game." Any idea wear this quote is from? Think about it. Wait a second. Any ideas? 3 2 1... This is from my favourite movie, "A Cinderella Story" with my favourite actress Hilary Duff. Everyone always says it is a rubbish movie to have as a favourite. SPOILER ALERT. Yes, it's not an Oscar winning, dramatic, action packed film but, being the utterly, hopeless romantic I am, I will never tire of seeing Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray kiss as a rain drop runs down his cheek... *ah sigh; swoon* One day, when I finally own a home, I want to get a big canvas to put it on, perhaps over my bed. Everyone interprets quotes differently and opinions vary. There is never a right, or a wrong answer; people can choose to agree or disagree. Sometimes the only person that knows the truth is the person that wrote or drew the topic of interest. I was always really...

New Year's Eve Decoration Tutorial

Looking on Pinterest, I found so many cute and easy crafts. Quick, easy and cheap. All you need for all these crafts are: - Card - PVA glue - Ribbon - Glitter or Paint or Both! I got all of this at 'The Works' for less than £6, except for the ribbon. I had some ribbon laying around the house from an old birthday present so I just used that. You also need: - Newspaper - Scissors - Hole puncher Most people have these lying around the house already so easy! 'Happy New Year' Banner: I found the template for this at ' The Idea Room '. I didn't have any clothes pegs or string, and i thought it would be easier with ribbon so here is my version: Very simple. The template can be found online. I used 3 different coloured pieces of card to print on. Then use the hole puncher to punch a hole in each corner. Finally, thread the ribbon, in and out of the letters and it is that simple! I found it easier to cut the ribbon up for each word but you can ...

Clothing Haul for Toddler

So today I went to ASDA before lunch with my mum, sister and godmother. As always, I was drawn to the children's clothes and I couldn't help but get some as, yet more, Christmas presents for my gorgeous niece Bop.  I love George at ASDA. The quality of clothes is great and the price is amazing. I got the entire haul for less than £25 - that's for 4 outfits plus a party dress! Prices and names will be named throughout. Pictures are courtesy of ASDA website and myself for more detail. Bop is now at an age where she is growing slower so it's nice to be able to get some winter clothes that can also be worn in summer.  Let's begin! 2 Pack Crochet Trim Leggings - £4.00 No child can have too many leggings. They are easy to wash, simple to put on and can be paired with anything. Here, there is a soft, blush pink colour and a dark navy blue. I try to get outfits so these both go with the 2 tops in which I got (see below). The ruffles at the bottom just add a ...

Sexuality By Choice(?!), Rants and Tom Daley!

This morning I woke up at 6am...thanks to my mother making a racket. I looked at Instagram and there I found a post by the Seewald family. If anyone knows '19 kids and Counting', Jessa Duggar recently married Ben Seewald and it is his family's Instagram. They also have there own blog page and so this morning, a picture included the link to the blog page. I don't normally follow links from Instagram and definitely not at that early hour in the morning, but as I scrolled through, the comments section was a very heated argument with lots of interest. Read their views, specifically Michael's here: View the Seewald's family Instagram here: Having not been religious at all and considering myself an atheist, I found this post very difficult to read and digest, simply due to the archaic language and bible infused paragraphs, but the gist can be grasped. The majority of religious pe...