
Showing posts from April, 2021

April Round Up!

 Another month, another round up! Are you enjoying these posts?  Book : I'm so bad I haven't read a book this month but I am looking forward to reading Mrs Hinch's memoir. It's waiting in my bedside table, patiently hoping it gets opened soon, instead of gathering dust.  Film : I'm a huge fan of easy going films in my downtime, no stress and straight fun. Any film with Melissa McCarthy is a perfect choice and Thunder Force is no funny and entertaining!  TV Show : Again, think background television...The Greenhouse Academy is a tween drama, all about students at an elite boarding school filled with villains. Honestly, it's pretty crap acting and the characters are played by multiple actors between seasons, but nevertheless it's fun and makes me forget about life.  Podcast : Mrs Hinch is my latest addiction and her podcast has been something I play weekly. I love hearing Sophie and Jamie talk about their life and they're refreshing interacti...

Skinny Bakery: Low Calorie Dessert (Review) - Part 1

 Following on from last week, my heath journey continues. I strongly disagree with diets in general. I don't like the idea of having to limit food or have allowances through calories. It's also well known that a diet culture is not effective long-term, and instead it's important to have a balance of healthy meals, snacks and exercise. Hello Fresh  is a great healthy and balanced meal subscription box that I will continue to be getting, but anyone who knows me, knows I also have a massive sweet tooth. I have to have dessert after every lunch and tea or it just doesn't feel family and I call it the Slack Sweet Stomach and it's hereditary!  Anyway, I've been following Skinny Bakery on social media for a few months and was so excited when they launched their latest flavour, Chocolate, Caramel and Peanut Butter. I commented on their post and amazingly, won a free box of their latest flavour. I was in complete shock when I opened the package to discover...

Birthing Book Recommendations (Hippo Hynobirthing with Hannah)

There are many great and empowering books on hypnobirthing, positive births and empowering motherhood.  One I really wanted to highlight in particular is “ The Birth Path ”, a brand new hypnobirthing book written by The Wise Hippo founder, Tamara Cianfini. It’s available to purchase online at most retailers, around the world, and most accessibly on Amazon. It shares a modern take on hypnobirthing through a four path hypnobirthing journey, which will guide any mum to-be towards a calmer and more confident pregnancy and birth experience. It’s a great book to read whilst waiting for your course to begin, or prior to booking. Plus, the best thing is if you message me your receipt, I’ll send you a freebie to go alongside the book too!  The next is one by a lovely author who I have met, Milli Hill and also includes a snippet by a member of my research team. " Give Birth Like a Feminist ". Blasting the feminist spotlight into the labour ward, Milli Hill encourages women everywhere t...

Skinny Bakery, Major Haircut and First Impressions!

Fancy a chatty vlog? This one is all about Skinny Bakery, getting a major haircut and our first impressions! Click here for the vlog or watch below.  After a day to recover after my night shift, I was very pleasantly surprised to wake up the next day to some lovely weather. I got dressed in one of my new favourite Dorothy Perkins purchases, did my makeup and put on a bright lip colour. It felt wonderful! Of course after my next lot of night shifts, I was woken up half way through my sleep to a surprise package. I put it straight in the fridge and then opened it when I woke up. I was so shocked! I'm going to be talking all about the company that is Skinny Bakery very soon but in short, it's a low calorie dessert company and they sent me some free products to taste. Get 10% off all Skinny Bakery good when you spend £30 and free delivery by using code REFKCB5K99EA3  #sbambassadors. I did actually try one of the flavours at the end of the vlog so you can also watch my reactio...

Hello Fresh: Meal Subscription Kit! (Review)

If you've watched some of my recent vlogs, you'll have seen how I've been excitedly trying Hello Fresh! I've been looking forward to sharing this post for so long, and it's a part of my journey to a healthier, happier me .  Hello Fresh  is a meal delivery subscription service, similar to Gousto . They have four clear aims: to help save money, provide high quality food, encourage varied diets and reduce food waste. They also focus on an environmentally friendly service, to ensure neutral CO2 emissions and ensure most of the packaging in recyclable.  Not at the fault of Hello Fresh, but my box got delivered on the selected day, which was great, but sadly my doorbell wasn't rung, which meant it sat outside my door for over an hour. Luckily, some items came packed in a ice and thermal bag. Oddly though, a lot of the other items, also needed to be kept in the fridge, so in the end I separated the fridge bag items into the already separated meal bag items, and put eve...

A New Health Journey?

I started writing this post in December last year. I'd planned to make big changes ahead of the new year and then life happened, I started working and it all got a little crazy. I feel like I'm the most unfit I've ever been, I've gained weight...but for once I'm not unhappy in my own skin. I used to hate looking in the mirror. Now, I don't think I've changed so much that I would love looking at myself naked in a mirror, but I no longer gag at the mere thought of it. I've started wearing tighter clothes, and generally feeling more comfortable in this body that is mine.  Of course, I always want to be thinner, like many, but I think deep down my mindset honestly has changed. I no longer what to be thin for others, I want to lose weight so that I can be fitter and better able to enjoy life, especially walks with my partner.  For me, this comes in two parts, exercise and nutrition. I think I've always known both of those deep down, but when I recently di...

Hypnobirthing Class Breakdown (Hippo Hynobirthing with Hannah)

Like promised last week , this week I want to talk about exactly what is included in the 4 classes, if you choose to book a full hypnobirthing course, either 1-on-1 or as a group.  Also, I thought I would briefly start by discussing the current classes and how they are being run online. A lot of people have questions on this and would prefer to wait until in person teaching resumes, however, I plan to stick to online teaching for the foreseeable future. This is for one of two reasons, with the first being that the pregnant population are not currently being vaccinated for Covid-19, unless they are otherwise high risk because of the unknown side effects. For this reason, I think it would be unwise to bring a group of at risk women together physically and staying at home, online means it stays safe.  The other is because of the positive feedback that has come from having classes online itself. Simply put, practically it's much more accessible for more people because there is no ...

DITL: Leaking Shower, Clothing Haul and Hello Fresh!

It's been a while since I've done a day in the life, but I unexpectedly recorded one and had a busy day!  Click here for the vlog or see below.  I washed my hair the day before after a shift and left it in plaits so that it would be nice and wavy for my day off. My favourite skincare product from Senegence is tied between Nangai Oil and Facial Resurfacer, and the night before I finally used the last of my old product version. It's the same formula but new packaging, and I can't wait to use it. It's taken me almost 4 years to get through it so it's definitely been well worth the money for me. I love how it keeps my skin soft, smooth and shiny! I started the morning with and ID appointment to join the NHSP service, which is another way to get overtime in the NHS. You don't have to already be staff, but it helps fast track the process. I like and do a few NIPE shifts, usually once a month, so it's the best way to book for those. After that finished, I conti...