After a day to recover after my night shift, I was very pleasantly surprised to wake up the next day to some lovely weather. I got dressed in one of my new favourite Dorothy Perkins purchases, did my makeup and put on a bright lip colour. It felt wonderful!
Of course after my next lot of night shifts, I was woken up half way through my sleep to a surprise package. I put it straight in the fridge and then opened it when I woke up. I was so shocked! I'm going to be talking all about the company that is Skinny Bakery very soon but in short, it's a low calorie dessert company and they sent me some free products to taste. Get 10% off all Skinny Bakery good when you spend £30 and free delivery by using code REFKCB5K99EA3 #sbambassadors. I did actually try one of the flavours at the end of the vlog so you can also watch my reaction to the Chocolate, Caramel and Peanut Butter Pearls.
I also finally got my rotation for my preceptorship year...only 4+ months late! I'm moving to community at the end of June, then postnatal ward December, antenatal ward February and back to labour suite in April. It actually makes me more excited. I also found out I scored really high on my interview. I got 102 out of 120, ranking third, and the two higher withdrew their applications. At the time of being successful, of course I was happy, but I was also a little disheartened, as everyone got the job, so this made me feel a little more confident for sure!
This week I also managed to finally get to the hairdressers. I've had two appointments booked and cancelled due to going back into lockdown so I'm pretty sure it's been over 2 years since my last hair cut. This time, I didn't want to get my hopes up so I booked it quite last minute, just the week before. I was so glad I did because my hair is just getting longer and heavier; with so much weight, it really does give me headaches at work when I have to wear it up.
I wasn't completely in love with the hair cut if I'm honest. I thought she did a really good job on the actual cut but no conditioner nor massage, not really listening to me on the length (I wanted it shorter) and doing beautiful curls, and then brushing it out, wasn't my favourite. I do love that it's shorter and lighter. I had 10" cut off, then a couple more, then thinned and layered, so A LOT has been taken out...finally!
I then went back to work for 2 more shifts, this time day shifts and they were honestly the longest shifts of my life. Both women were 6cm dilated when I came on, with epidurals and on syntocinon, and both made slow progress, slowly got to fully and almost fully, then went for emergency caesareans either just before I left or just after. Either way I was knackered so when Luke wasn't home when I got back, I was frustrated and upset. We got into a little bit of an argument, he apologised and we went to bed after making up. Regardless, I just wanted a chilled day the next day, so even though it was nice weather, I didn't want to go out. Instead I sent Luke out for a walk, where he went shopping in town and I had a nap, to try and get rid of my migraine.
I did eventually get up and get dressed, just before he came back. We had a lovely afternoon cake, followed by some gardening and cleaning. Then Luke made chicken and bacon pastry parcels which we ate whilst watching our latest obsession...Homeland!
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