I washed my hair the day before after a shift and left it in plaits so that it would be nice and wavy for my day off. My favourite skincare product from Senegence is tied between Nangai Oil and Facial Resurfacer, and the night before I finally used the last of my old product version. It's the same formula but new packaging, and I can't wait to use it. It's taken me almost 4 years to get through it so it's definitely been well worth the money for me. I love how it keeps my skin soft, smooth and shiny!
I started the morning with and ID appointment to join the NHSP service, which is another way to get overtime in the NHS. You don't have to already be staff, but it helps fast track the process. I like and do a few NIPE shifts, usually once a month, so it's the best way to book for those.
After that finished, I continued to get ready and then waited for the plumbers to arrive. My shower started to leak a couple of weeks ago now and it was slowly getting worse. For some reason, despite the form having a specific question asking if I was happy for them to come without me being in, they still wanted me in. Anyway, they came, they left and it seems to be fixed. They tightened and resealed the taps, and then completely resealed the bath. If you saw the vlog, you'll see there's a new problem...the plug doesn't fit!
I also did a mini Dorothy Perkins clothing haul. I bought some bits recently in their Easter/prolonged sale, and loved most of the items. I also really loved seeing that they have made most of their new collections apart of the eco range. It's nice to know everyone plays apart in helping protect the environment.
I also went to the supermarket to do my monthly grocery shop, had Sam come over for a little garden visit and did some work: vlogs, blogs and emails! I feel like work is never ending at the moment and I'm exhausted but enjoying downtime in between work shifts is important.
Finally, when Luke came over, he cooked the fourth and final Hello Fresh meal and again it was so yummy! I was pleasantly surprised and seriously impressed. I am defintely a convert to bulger wheat! I can't wait to have it again, and the Hello Fresh review is coming soon.
To end the night, we started to watch a new series called Homeland. Neither of us have wanted to watch it before, but we both wanted to. We ended up watching 4 episodes which was really good and of course, ate some chocolate soufflé to finish! It was the perfect end to a busy day.
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