
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Disney TAG!

Like most people, I love, love, LOVE Disney! So, what would be better than doing the Disney Tag?! Whilst reading my answers to this tag, answer the questions for yourself as well if you’d like, and if you want to, I would love for you to share some of them with all of us! Favourite Disney film? I love so many of the Disney films and I even did a post all about them but I think my absolute favourite would have to be The Little Mermaid. Favourite Disney character? I just love Flynn Ryder in Tangled! Favourite Disney princess? Hmm, I love Rapunzel in the newest addition of the film, Tangled, but I think Cinderella will always be my favourite. Favourite Disney side-kick? Of course it has to be Sebastian and Flounder from The Little Mermaid. Favourite Disney song? I See the Light in Tangled. Favourite Disney villain? I don't class her as a villain but technically she is, Elsa from Frozen. Favourite Disney couple? Prince Charming and Cinderella. Which...

Sister's 21st Birthday Party and a Cute Baby Date!

My littlest sister turned the big 2.1. and had a birthday party to celebrate! I thoroughly enjoyed the photo booth. To end the weekend at home, I went to meet up with a friend and had the cutest baby date. Click here for the vlog or watch below. I ended up driving back to the farm after archery on Saturday afternoon. Since getting my shifts for March, I'm trying to make the most out of attending because I won't be able to go much afterwards which I'm actually really sad about. The sky was gorgeous when I got back and I had a lovely little arrival party waiting for me. Of course, when I got back, there was little last minute preparations to help with before getting ready for the party, but I loved looking at all the baby pictures. Jess was such a cute toddler! Number one on mum's to do list was the drinks. If you come to a party at my mum's it's bound to have enough to drink and eat. I think everyone ended up having a really good time and while t...

Interrail Planning Tips

Have you been on an Interrailing trip? I've been thinking about it for a while but I did some tips! I decided to reach out to you guys for some help and then perhaps in the future I'll share them all in one big post. Please leave them in the comments below. So far, I know which countries and cities I'd like to do: Amsterdam, Holland Brussels, Belgium Prague, Czech Budapest, Hungary Split, Croatia I'd also like to do a month going around all the different cities in Italy but that's going to be expensive so I defintely need to save up for that! 

My First Midwifery OSCE!

This post was meant to go live a long time ago but life got hectic and I only just got around to writing and sharing it. If you watched the vlog of me going and coming back from my OSCE you'll have seen that despite feeling absolutely terrible, I was really relaxed. If you compare this to my Medicine OSCE, it's a pretty crazy difference. Medicine could have been on any number of examinations that we'd learnt in first year and then in second year it could have been on first or second year. The point being, we didn't know what it was and what would come up. We also didn't see any practice OSCEs, or have any mark schemes given prior. Plus, we had 8 to 10 different stations that ran very smoothly with timings going off on when to switch. The midwifery OSCE was simple. We were told in advance it would be on hand washing and medicine management. They would continue on from each other and you could have pretty much as long as you needed. You didn't have to pass i...

Valentine's Day, New Piercings and Goodbye Wooden Bow!

With time to do self-directed work at university, the days were made busy with social outings!  Click here to watch the vlog or see below.  We had a couple of busy days but a few days off in between to do self-directed work at university. As we all had a day off for the last time in a while, we headed to town for some fun. Vicki gave blood at the bank and then her and Sam decided to have a new piercing. I didn't end up getting a picture of Sam's but I'm sure she'll share it soon enough. We ended up going to Cosmo for lunch and once again, I stuffed my face! Valentine's Day was a huge fiasco. I'd originally planned a big meal out with my housemates but Clare and Vicki decided last minute to do something with their boyfriends, Sam decided the day before to go to lacrosse instead and Bea didn't know about it apparently. So in the end, despite all the time and effort of buying cards, chocolate and roses, I went with just Bridget. I wore a soft ...

Instant Family (Review)

I couple of week's ago I got the opportunity to head to the UK Premier of Instant Family and fell in love with the film straight away. Click here to watch the trailer or see below. I genuinely absolutely loved the film. It is romantic, and cute, and funny, but most importantly it has a real and unique story behind it. Instant Family shares the journey of a married couple who have spent their life focusing on there careers. Suddenly, they end up undergoing classes for adoption and fostering and before they know it, they have a full house, full of love but with enormous struggles, which simultaneously excite and challenge them.  It also brings in the childish nature and I love how it draws on the simplicity that fascinates children.  I cried so many times through this movie. I cried tears of joy alongside tears of sadness. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. I couldnt help but have so much empathy for all of them. Their stories are raw and real and honest and d...