
Showing posts from January, 2016


Last weekend my sister was in London so I met up with them for lunch before offering to babysit my niece while they went on a little lunch date for a couple of hours. We baked brownies, played in the games room, watched movies and sang songs. As usual she was super cute and while I definitely didn't film the cutest parts, I finally remembered to record some. Find the video here or embedded below. Be sure to comment that you came from my blog if you do! :) I always say: 'She stole my heart a long time ago and refuses to give it back...'

YouTube Trailer

I finally made a YouTube channel trailer and I kind of love it. I basically included some short clips from every type of event I've done this lots of cute clips of Bop (my niece)! Let me know what you think. I also made a new banner but can't seem to get it to fit. What do you think?

The 5th Wave (Review)

For once I went into the theatre not knowing exactly how a novel-to-screen adaptation was going to turn out. Usually I read the book first and then see the film but for once I hadn't. I hadn't even really heard about the book series until earlier this year when the London Snapchat story started to play the trailer in the middle of snaps. I'm so glad they did because since the beginning of January, I've been getting more and more excited! I do think that the producers should have advertised it more though. It may be big in America but definitely not here in England, with only 3 cinemas even showing the film on it's opening weekend, in central London. I was shocked when I tried to find locations on where to watch it. Click here to watch the trailer and here / here / here to go to the books. You'll be glad to know I have now bought the whole trilogy so I will be reading them in the summer when the third comes out. After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. ...

Blood, Ink and Fire by Ashley Mansour

I first found out about this book from Alex Pettyfer as I kept seeing him talk about this new book he was publishing. I didn't really know much about it but as soon as I read the first few lines on the blurb I was hooked!  'Imagine a world without books…  In the future, books are a distant memory. The written word has been replaced by an ever-present stream of images known as Verity.' Books are such a huge passion of mine and whenever I have a free moment, I read! I read as much as possible and once I start I usually can't stop. The fact that this book was going to be about a world with no books was devastating. I couldn't imagine not being able to immerse myself in a world that doesn't truly exist. But it did the job; I couldn't stop thinking about what the world could be like and so I pre-ordered it straight away.   Alex Pettyfer was doing the sweetest promo with it with a card signed by him and personalised. Thank you so much to Alex Pettyf...

Teen Mom OG - Season 7 Episode 4

(Screenshots from MTV and opinions my own) Amber overreacted as usual. She should be happy that Leah had such great people looking after her that makes her feel comfortable. I think Amber is a good mum but I think Gary is a great dad who was forced to step up to the plate. An d he did.  Plus her fiancée is super creepy. He literally pushed the little boy out of the way and just walked off. If I was his mum I would have flipped. I'm looking forward to hearing about all of his children that he has. Sounds like he at least has 2 but in the trailer I heard the mention of 7 so we shall see... I'm always so torn with Farrah. I love her because I think she's so real and my heart broke when Sophia said she wanted to die in order to  meet Derek but I still can't help but feel it's way over dramatised. I can't help but think that it's her acting to get more attention. I've never really understood the relationship with her and Derek as he didn't even ...

Official Reviewer!

You probably haven't noticed because who does but I officially have a 'Net Gallery' Account meaning I'll be able to access way more books. Nothing really changed but it just means I have an extra little icon under my stay connected list on the right hand side.  Let me know if there area any books you would recommend for me or any that you would like to read a review on. 

Shadowhunters - TV Show (Review)

Seriously disappointed about this show and not only that, but I feel deeply sorry for Cassandra Clare. After writing what can only be described as one of the best teen fiction book series, a mediocre film was released and then a terrible and rushed TV show followed. Don't get me wrong I liked the movie. I thought they stayed very true to the novel and the casting was almost prefect. I can't imagine anyone else playing those roles at all now. However it was somewhat lacklustre and didn't quite make me fall in love with the story. I'm not sure whether it was Jace's character being too aggressive or the fact that it seemed almost predictable, the action just wasn't conveyed as effectively as hoped. The TV show aired in America on the 12th February and followed on Netflix the following day for the rest of the world. I was initially shocked that the show began with the storyline from City of Bones. Having had this covered in the film, I had anticipated and was ...

"All That Glitters" December Birchbox: Unboxing and Review

On Facebook, I've seen a number of posts over the past few months about a subscription box called Birchbox. I love the idea of subscription boxes and for a while I got Graze which was a cheap snack box. I've recently wanted to get into makeup more and so have been looking for a beauty box but they all seem so expensive! When I saw this offer online I had to get it as the box was half price! I decided to wait to post a what's in my box so that I could also include a review of the products I got. I was super happy when I got the box because I loved the bag and so even without looking at the products I thought it was worth the £6. I have linked all the products to where you can buy them on the main Birchbox shop page, if you want to buy them :) Inside there was a notebook with all the products included inside but not only that, there were also discounts for other beauty related products and other information for products. I liked that they included some 'how t...

My Most Expensive Haul: Jack Wills, Victoria Secret PINK and The White Company

I know I've had a lot of haul's recently and I'm not quite sure where I'm finding the money myself, but I think this will be my last one for a while...maybe! >.<  I went to Leeds with my mum and sister before coming back to university and I think it was my most expensive shopping trip ever! I bought some goodies from Jack Wills - my first time ever! -, Victoria Secret, The White Company, Charbonnel Et Walker and also Sweaty Betty (kind of).  From Sweaty Betty I didn't buy anything for myself but my mum got some leggings. I think I could have bought the whole store if I'd let myself because it was all workout clothes and it was so cute! I seriously had to restrain myself.  From  Charbonnel Et Walker I bought some chocolates for my sister birthday. While I would never spend £1 per chocolate on myself, I do think they have very cute wrapping.  From The White Company I bought possibly the sweetest book ever, called ' You' by Emma Dodd ,...