The 6Cs of Midwifery Applied to Life
Going through my year review I was reminded of the RCN Congress that Bea and I went to in Liverpool. I had such an amazing time and I learnt so much. One of my favourite aspects which I made some notes on was how the six Cs of Midwifery can apply to life and the important lesson was that by applying them to yourself, you provide better care to women. I can't remember who did the talk so I unfortunately can't give credit, but nevertheless, I wanted to share some of my favourite parts and own thoughts. Compassion, care, courage, communication, commitment and competence. These 6Cs can be turned to the 6 self-love Cs which will help prevent burnout. We should look after ourselves, the same way we care for women. This should be compassionately and we should remind ourselves that humans do not fail, therefore there is no shame in doing so as it is another opportunity to learn and grow. Similarly, focus on strengths and improvements, not weaknesses. Self-affirmation is not again...