Presenting at the RCM Research Conference!

As you probably know, I have been involved in a research project within the University of Nottingham. We have now finished the project and are eagerly awaiting publication, whilst disseminating the findings simultaneously. 

This week we found out we were not only successful in our application to present at the RCM Research Conference, but when the programme was released, we also found out we were the only two students who are on the entire programme. This is an incredible success on all our parts. 
In case you were interested, this is a little bit about the project and ourselves. I will keep you all updated on when and where you can read the research when it is - hopefully! - finally published, later this year. 

With my interview for Student Midwife of the Year as well, March is a busy busy BUSY month for me. Stay tuned for more about the life of an incredible busy Student Midwife, trying to juggle everything.
