
Showing posts from June, 2015

Will You Be My Bridesmaid?

So today I was reminded of the fact that I have never been a bridesmaid. And it honestly makes me so incredibly sad and depressed. My beautiful friend was recently a bridesmaid and looked gorgeous. She has a blog post all about it if you want to check it out. How nice is this photo! Hope you don't mind I stole your photo! Another friend got asked to be a bridesmaid today and I think it is one of the cutest things ever! Congratulation Haylee and Tyler and Jen I hope you have the best time ever. But it makes me think back to last September when it was my oldest sisters wedding. The year before she got engaged she told me and Jess that we would be 'The first to know because [we] would need to organise dates to try on bridesmaids dresses'. I was so incredibly excited. When I found out she was engaged I kept waiting and waiting for the call or even a text. But not one. I asked dad if she had mentioned it and he said no. So still I waited. By June, we asked who the...

Tuesday Tip: 9 Step White Highlight on Blogger Removal

I don't know if you've noticed but on some of my blog posts, some of the words come up highlighted in white. It was so annoying because I didn't put it in there, it just came up when the post was published. For anyone who also uses Blogger to write posts you might have also experienced it. I learnt today that it is a glitch with the software and they are suppose to be fixing it soon! In the meantime, the only way I could work out how to get rid of it was to type the entire thing out again because copying would just leave it in. So here's what I learnt today: a quick-er way to get rid of it. It's still not the best but if your posts are fairly short it works. 1. Open the blog post to edit it. 2. Look in the top left. 3. Click on the HTML, rather than the compose tab. 4. Click 'Ctrl' and 'F' buttons and a little box should come up in the top right. 5. Type in 'white'. 6. This will then highlight all the words that are 'white'. ...

7 Things I don't miss about London!

1. Crowded trains and lack of tube ‘etiquette’. 2. The unpredictable weather. The firework  display  over the River Thames was one of the wettest nights of my life :( 3. Tube strikes: it's almost the end of the world. 4. Expensive accommodation and lack of a large backyard. 5.  Tourists...I hate them! Whether they are blocking the streets to take photos, stopping randomly because they are lost or taking massive suitcases on the tubes in rush hour.  6. The heat underground. So many times I put on my coat for the 3 minute journey to the tube and then start sweating profusely and have to take it off and carry it the rest of the way. 7. The water...

7 Things I miss about London!

1. Being independent. 2. Getting to places by myself in 10 minutes! The tube is amazing. 3.  The parks: an escape from city living without having to physically leave. 4. The architecture. I think I will always have the tourist look on London - constant awe. Especially Buckingham Palace, London Eye and Big Ben.  5. Night buses within easy reach of home. 6. Contactless payment makes public transport so easy. 7. The weather always seemed so much warmer than Yorkshire.  

Monsoon Addict

I have quickly become a Monsoon addict. Only the worst shop to become addicted to because even though it's a high street shop it is the most expensive! But I can't help it :( I bought dresses (a lot) for the RUMS Ball; swimming costumes and 3 pairs of shoes. Oops :/ Don't worry...I'm only keeping one tankini and a pair of heels. I've definitely put weight on over the past 3 months or so, so even though I have lots of bikinis I just thought I might be more comfortable in a tankini this year.  LOVE!

Meeting the SacconeJoly's!

After the ball last night, I woke up way after my alarm had gone off and very late. I quickly got dressed and set off to Alexandra Palace for one of the highlights of my entire year. I had the opportunity to meet Anna and Jonathan Saccone-Joly from SACCONEJOLYs on YouTube. As one of the first 200 people (I was actually 13th!) to donate £20 to the  RSPCA , I was guaranteed a conversation and photo. I was so excited. When I arrived, after taking 3 tube rides and 2 buses, I slowly made my way down the hill to the big walkies. It was such a great chance to meet them but also raise money and awareness was a fantastic charity which I already support. The SACCONEJOLYs were the first YouTubers I ever subscribed to, the first family vloggers I ever watched and some of the happiest most positive people I - feel like I - know. I had been watching them for almost 3 years so it was just an exciting adventure. I was looking forward to seeing what they were actually like in person. Wh...