Hot Tubs, VE Day and IDN!
I took a little break from vlogging to catch more up to date so this is spread over a couple of weeks! Click here to watch the vlog or see below. With the hot weather forecast I finally convinced dad to get the hot tub set up again! To be honest, it didn't take very long because it was still set up from last year, it was just stored in the garage so needed to be moved. By the time it was filled up and up to temperature, it was the next day...VE Day! We didn't particularly celebrate VE Day and to be honest, with all of us sticking to new routines, the day didn't feel very different. I wore my swimming costume all day waiting for the pool but before I headed in, we enjoyed a bbq because the weather was gorgeous. Luckily, with meetings and commitments dotted about the week, it is still forcing me to get dressed (and showered!) regularly and I am actually loving my blue hair . For those that missed last week's weekly, it is a temporary and slowly washes out of...