My "Blogger Recognition Award" Nomination!

I’ve been nominated for another award! Less than a year ago, I was nominated for my first blogger award and that was the Liebster Award . I didn’t even think that I would say that the first time, let alone again! This time around I’ve been nominated for the ‘Blogger Recognition Award’. The Bloggers Recognition Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers to celebrate them. It’s a nice way to show other bloggers you are reading and enjoying their work! If you are nominated and choose to accept the award you must abide by the following rules. The rules are simple: Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog Write a post to show the award Give a brief story of how your blog started Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers Nominate other bloggers you want to pass this award to and let them know! So without further ado, I want to say a big thank you to my friend, the lovely Charlotte from Arty Allsorts. We've been on this blogging journey...