
Showing posts from July, 2019

My "Blogger Recognition Award" Nomination!

I’ve been nominated for another award! Less than a year ago, I was nominated for my first blogger award and that was the Liebster Award . I didn’t even think that I would say that the first time, let alone again! This time around I’ve been nominated for the ‘Blogger Recognition Award’. The Bloggers Recognition Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers to celebrate them. It’s a nice way to show other bloggers you are reading and enjoying their work! If you are nominated and choose to accept the award you must abide by the following rules. The rules are simple: Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog Write a post to show the award Give a brief story of how your blog started Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers Nominate other bloggers you want to pass this award to and let them know! So without further ado, I want to say a big thank you to my friend, the lovely Charlotte from Arty Allsorts. We've been on this blogging journey...

No Vlog Day!

There's no vlog this week and it's a little disappointing because it's such a fun one but I just haven't had any time to sort through videos and pictures, nor edit and upload so I'm going to have to upload it next week instead. I'm so sorry but life has been super busy this week with the week starting in Wiltshire, followed by 3 night shifts, Alton Towers and a trip to the zoo. Be prepared for some action packed vlogs coming up soon! In the meantime, be sure to head over to my YouTube channel and catch up on all the latest vlogs.

My Non-Midwifery Placements

As a student Midwife, in order to qualify, the Nursing and Midwifery Council set our guidelines and one of which states that we have to complete a placement on a Gynaecology Ward, Gynaecology Theatres and in a Neonatal Unit. I have finally finished all three of my compulsory Non-Midwifery Placements so I thought I would share my thought on each of them. I started my year with my Gynaecology Ward. It was interesting because of the variety but it's strange how the nurses work. I loved seeing all the different clinics and being a support or chaperone for the women but didn't have too big of a role. My favourite part was the bladder scanners. For some reason I found them fascinating. Funnily, I often heard them saying they were rushed off their feet and all I'd seen them do for the majority of the time was sit at the desk. In my first year, I rarely got a chance to sit down at all. Moving onto the Theatre Placement. I can understand why it's useful to have this includ...

16 Lies Parents Tell Their Kids!

I saw a thread on Twitter a few weeks ago and was instantly hooked. It's crazy how many lies parents tell their children and I'm not going to lie, even at 23 I still believed in some of these! Here are some of the lies my parents tell me and I'll probably tell my own kids! Don’t swallow your gum or it will be stuck in your body for 7 years: I should still probably do some research on this.  If you tell me the truth, I won’t get angry : LIE.  Of course, we don’t have a favourite : I think the favourite can change but you always have a favourite.  Santa / Tooth Fairy / Easter Bunny is real : a good lie. We’ll think about it  Swearing is illegal  We’re going in 5 minutes : then mum spends hours saying goodbye to everyone. You’ll meet your best friends at university : as sad as it is, many of the people I considered great friends don't even contact me anymore.  You can buy that when you grow up and have your own money : I had far more money as a c...

Markeaton Park, The Great Yorkshire Show and Planking!

A trip to Derby for a car festival and the annual Great Yorkshire Show meant a busy week! Click here for the vlog or see below.  I shared this photo over on my business Instagram account. I finally have my lips back! Okay I know it’s a little bit of an extreme reaction but I feel like they’ve been so dry for so long and they’re finally free from that journey of constant dry-ness. I can’t wait to start wearing LipSense again soon!  L and I ended up going to Markeaton Park, a lovely park in Derby, for a car festival. Honestly, it's not something I'm particularly interested in but he wanted to go so I was more than happy to oblige because I'm just happy to spend any sort of time with him. They were mainly old cars which aren't really my forte but there were a number of cars I did like. My favourite was this car mainly because of the sign which made me laugh far more than it should have. It ended up being really cute though because after looking around the car...

Body Yogurts by The Body Shop!

I recently received a free sample of The Body Shop's new product, these Body Yogurts. As described on their website, these are cruelty-free and 100% vegan. These claims are very much in the current beauty market and I'm finding more and more products and companies going that way so I would expect the majority to now be able to say the same thing.  They market that they are fast-absorbing moisturisers have a lightweight, gel-cream texture that’s suitable for all skin types, including dry skin and are easy to use. I found that they were actually quite thick and more like a body cream than a gel. They were very cooling which made it very relaxing when massaged in and they were quick drying, not leaving me sticky for long.  Having now read the stores description, it says to apply straight onto damp skin. I did not do this. I got out of the shower and then dried completely before applying so perhaps it is the water mixed with the yogurt that creates the gel texture. In ter...

10 Top Tips for Wimbledon Tennis Championships!

Having now been to Wimbledon for a number of years I can honestly say I've loved each and every championship. It's such an incredible tennis scene and I love being able to not only watch the incredible tennis but also experience the atmosphere. I thought I'd finally share some top tips! Membership . If you love tennis and really want to go, I would defintely recommend getting either an annual or lifetime membership to your local tennis authorities (for example, mine is with Yorkshire Tennis). This guarantees you two Wimbledon tennis tickets per year and you get to apply for them and choose your top 3 dates and seats. I've always got either my first or second choice which is great.  Always get tickets for the first week . You'll see at least one of the big named players, but you'll also get access to the outside courts where there will be play on every single one. The winner of the championship may even be out there!  Arrive bright and early so you can ge...

Wimbledon 2019!

I headed to London for my annual Wimbledon trip! Click here to watch the vlog or see below. After a busy few days spending so much time with L, it felt strangely sad to wake up without him. I woke up bright and early, quickly getting ready for the journey ahead and packed my suitcase. I was ready ridiculously early, and even had time for breakfast before locking up the house and heading out to get my Uber. Thank god I vlog because I completely forgot all about the tickets I needed to grab for Wimbledon. I love Wimbledon and I’ve been since I first moved to London 5 years ago. It’s become a much loved annual tradition and I look forward to it every year. Once of the train, I contacted mum because my train was running late, but it turned out her train was too. In the end, she only got there 20 minutes before I did and after searching for her at our meeting place for 10 minutes, I rang out. She claimed she was there but so was I and I’d looked everywhere. Turns out, she decided...