
Showing posts from April, 2020

Welfare Wednesday: Working Online During Coronavirus

💻 Self-care during this pandemic is crucial to look after ourselves so today, I thought I'd share some tips to get through isolation, lock down and especially, working online at home. 💻 Create a routine: There is so much that we can't control right now, but what we can control is what we do with our own lives each day. Have a shower, get dressed and have consistent meal/sleep schedule so that the day's don't blur into one. 💻 Organise your work space: For those working and for those studying, having a dedicated area dedicated to "business" that is free from distraction and clutter is important and crucial. It should be quiet and not be the centre of attention outside working hours. You need to be able to enjoy downtime too. 💻 Me time: Setting time for yourself each day has never been more crucial. Whether there is a project you've been wanting to do or simply a small pamper session, do something you enjoy that is for self-love or self-growth. ...

Sharing the Second Journal on Mental Health Awareness!

One of my biggest goals of becoming President of the Nursing and Midwifery Association was to start a new NMA Journal. I am so excited to share the second edition we released, which you can read  here .  This was released in October 2019 and coincided with Mental Health Awareness month, hence the topic of Mental Health. We had so many brave people write in to share their own personal experiences and for me editing the work, it was inspiring to read all the hardships the students had been through. Here's an excerpt: Every year one in four adults - along with one in ten children - will have a mental health issue. These conditions can profoundly affect millions of lives, including the capability of individuals to survive, sustain relationships and maintain work. The stigma attached to mental health causes a damaging, ill-informed, attitude, making it more difficult for those affected to pursue help. According to estimates, only a quarter of those with mental health prob...

Easter in Lock Down, my first Wasp Sting and Spring Garden!

The whole world spent Easter in lock down on a sunny Spring morning and I sadly got strung by a wasp. Click here to watch the vlog or see below. I am loving seeing what everyone is up to during lock down and quarantine. I've always been a big fan of YouTube. Like many, it is what got me started vlogging myself and I've never looked back to regret it. I love having the memories for myself and if I can share that with others, it's a positive for me. This week started with me sharing the news that I decided to move to my father's, in Wales, because I no longer felt comfortable or welcome at my childhood home. I may write about this later but right now I am not quite ready to go into the details. Just know, I classed this as an essential trip for my own metal health. It may be that I grew up with a clean freak mother but my room as my dad's was pretty dusty when I arrived so I spent a few hours cleaning my bedroom and bathroom before unpacking. It actually fel...

Isolation Recreation: Make a Creative Rainbow!

As part of the UoN Archery Club's Isolation Recreation programme, one of the challenges was to make a Rainbow. Pictures of rainbows started springing up in windows after schools closed in response to the coronavirus outbreak and it was a campaign hoped to encourage student to spread hope. This ended up being my! I tried to be super creative with some paint but turns out, paint goes off so my only alternative was to use the Colour Brain cards. I first tried to make a rainbow but with only 4 of each colour it was impossible, so then I tried to photoshop them together and repeat the image but that failed miserably but at least it looks somewhat like the colours.  Look at how amazing some of the other entries were!

Welfare Wednesday: Staying Inside Do's and Do Not's

I saw this going around social media and I want to say a big thank you to Beth Evans for putting what I've been wanting to say, down on paper. It is so important to look after yourself during these times and especially your mental health and well-being. As you may have read on Sunday, that is something I have done recently so here's to keeping safe...physically and mentally.

SNTA Medal Competition!

Following the Student Nursing Times Awards interviews , they gave each of the shortlisted finalists a baked cookie to decorate and therefore enter the competition. I hadn't got around to doing it and to be honest, I had great ideas on what to do but unfortunately, couldn't find what I needed in the shops. I am also not the most creative person and so I somewhat had to do what I could do.  So here is the final medal! In the end, I want do a simple icing recipe. I did a criss-cross tartan style pattern and then sprinkled some balls on it. I then wrote love NHS but sadly my make-shift piping bag burst so I ended up having to do it free hand with a spoon. I chose red because that is the colour the Royal College of Midwives have chosen for the World Health Organisation's 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife! Some of the other entries are quite impressive! I wish I'd taken a picture of the medal in the box before I ate it. These look so cute!

Farm Walks, Knitting and Fancy Lock Down Meals!

Following a week of self-isolation, the government announced lock down. Here's how I spent my first two weeks!  Click here to watch the vlog or see below.  For me, it's hard not to be lazy during lock down but I have been very busy working on my university work and trying to tie up all my loose ends and gets things ticked off my never-ending list of jobs to do. Luckily, the amazing Sports Secretary at the Nursing and Midwifery Association, has been doing Instagram LIVE Workouts on our Instagram at 1pm on Thursday's and I had to show my support for the first one. Emily is definitely a lot fitter than I am, and it truly showed how unfit I am following the lack of gym this year.  Mum's decided that since we can't go out for a nice meal, instead once a week we are going to have a formal meal and play board games and watch a film together. I love any excuse to get dressed up with fancy make up and also love board games so I jumped at the opportunity. I ...