
Showing posts from 2016

My "Best of 2016 Year" - Pictures Explained

I loved last year's best nine pictures and was so excited to do the same this year. Best nine is an annual website which uses your Instagram username to select your top 9 most liked photos of the year.  Here's mine from this year and I'm not going to lie, I'm a little disappointed because obviously straight away, 4 of them are of Birchbox ! Clearly, the hashtag used is popular.  1. Louise Pentland, known as Sprinkle of Glitter on YouTube , and me! I loved meeting Louise and had the absolute best time. I actually can't believe that after having the opportunity to meet her and chat to her, I ended up winning her entire collection. That was such a crazy time and I loved every second of it. I even made a lookbook and took tonnes of pictures for a haul post . 2. 3. 4. and 9. Like I said, seemingly Birchbox is very popular with 4 pictures in my most liked. I love Birchbox, I really do, and this year I've got the monthly subscription box each month bar ...

My Christmas Present 2016 Haul!

Once again, I had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you all did too. Just like last year I got many presents and I can't wait to share them all with you!  It's defintely weird growing up because so many of your gifts turn to money and gift cards. Granted, I did ask for money but I do like opening gifts too!  I got so much chocolate! My mum got me a stocking full plus a selection box. Stuart, her boyfriend, also got my the same selection box. Jess, my sister got me some of my favourite biscuits and her boyfriend, Josh, picked me up a yule log. Let's just say I'm set. For flatmas, my flatmates also got me presents but I left most of them back at uni. Zhangqi also got me a chocolate box along with a couple members of Stuart's family. Sophie went totally overboard. She got me a Lush bath bomb, some fluffy sock, lip gloss and the BEST pillow. It's so soft and snuggly and heart shaped and I LOVE IT! Mum went overboard yet again but this time they are s...

Christmas Parties!

I've actually touched on all these in my weekly recap blog posts going up on Sunday's but the video footage is finally here! I've kind of combined 3 mini vlogs into one. Click here or watch below. It starts with my Flatmas (Christmas with my flatmates) and it was so much fun. We took lots of photos and had so much fun. Use girls all got everyone gifts but apparently Joe was unaware. Seemingly, no one was getting anyone presents until I mentioned it and then everyone had to rush last minute but no one informed him. Aha. I feel so bad! I wasn't expecting anyone to give me them back but I just thought we would. Oops. Drama! I ended up throwing on some red lipstick and Joe's apron but we didn't really dress up. It was a nice and relaxed evening and so much fun just chit chatting after opening presents and popping open some prosecco. Joe and Sophie ended up heading out but didn't stay clubbing for too long before they came back. I stayed to Lecture...

It's Christmas! Weekly Recap

Monday After getting ready, my mum dropped me off at Cafe 43 for lunch with my oldest friend, Hannah. We had a lovely date and yummy cupcakes to finish. I love the cafe as it became a tradition after high school. We then went back to her house to wait for my mum. it's always nice seeing her family and it was nice to catch up with John. When mum picked me up, we headed back to the cafe because I'd left my scarf and then quickly packed an overnight bag ready for dad to pick us up. I love seeing family and haven't seen anyone on dad's side of the family all year so we headed to my Aunt's and Uncle's house to see them and the little kids. They were seriously so sweet and fun, despite the initial shyness. I love them! Tuesday Mum's internet is terrible so I'm totally behind on YouTube so I managed to catch up a little while at dad's. While waiting for someone to fix the washing machine, we watched a film together and then Karen got bac...