
Showing posts from August, 2016

HOW TO: YouTube Thumbnails! 📷

Thumbnails! I've just gone through and updated all my thumbnails because up until recently I'd been using the ones given by YouTube. I've always wondered: how do YouTubers make your thumbnails? Do they use photos or still shot? Do they have text (the title) or not? I've been using PicMonkey and using a picture (or 2 or 3) taken from the day. I've loved using and playing around with the overlays feature. I was torn on whether to include the title but I went ahead and did it to add a little pop of colour in some of the thumbnails. Here are a selection of the variety of types I made. The first one I did was my most recent video from Morocco and it's probably the simplest. I kind of want to go back and start again but I think I've wasted enough time because I've been doing it for the past two days. I took the only picture of all three of us from the holiday and then simply resized it before adding the title in simple black, clear font. After that, ...

Naughty Boy Book Series 1-4 by Chance Carter (Review)

Chance Carter is an author who I found on Facebook back at the start of the year. After signing up to be one of his Advanced Readers, I feel like I have gotten to know him quite a bit. I love that Chance interacts with his readers. As an advanced reader and part of his email group, I love hearing him talk about life from his perspective. He also gives great recommendations for other authors. Not only that, but if anyone - anyone! - writes a review on the four books in his series, plus sends him a link to him via email, e.g. from Amazon or Goodreads or blog posts, he'll send a free story. At first I thought they were full length but it turns out they're short stories that follow on. So with book 1 review you get part 1 and so on. It's actually quite a clever way to get a reliable reviewing base but also it makes me want to review more because I'm now addicted to this other story. Unlike his main story characters, these characters are shy and reserved making it seem a l...

Teen Romance (Flashback Friday)

This week's Flashback Friday is of my friend's 18th birthday party and I managed to record a few cute clips of Sophie and Elliot. In the meantime, it was close to christmas and hilariously, people were forced to act out the 12 days of christmas! It was a super fun, fancy dress party :) Looking back this was actually one of my favourites! And that is the last of the scheduled Flashback Friday's...mainly because I have no footage myself. I'm sure my dad and mum have a lot of of footage from when I was a baby and I know we have a lot of home videos so I hope to one day make them digital!

Choose Kindness in Brutality!

With all the terrifying things going on in the world right now, I think we should all choose happiness and kindness. Why do we suddenly have all these things going on the world. I don't feel safe, do you? At the end of the day this is the world we live in and this is our home. Despite all the differences in the world, despite all the difference between people, choose kindness. Choose to be the one who is the bigger person. Choose to be the better person. I may not be the nicest person and I'm definitely not the nicest to family especially but I try to smile at everyone, I try to be polite and I try not to judge. If everyone in the world did that the world would be so much nicer. It's not everyone, in fact it's very few people and often it's those who have had a hard upbringing. Perhaps if one person chose to show them a little love, the set of actions triggered would have been different. Honestly... I'm scared. I know this has always gone in the world bu...

I'm a Mirina Girl!

*This company no longer exists therefore links have been removed* I can't believe I'm about to say this but I was recently contacted by a company called Mirina Collections to become a part of their program called Mirina Collections Ambassador Program. I am now officially apart of the group and I am so exciting for the opportunities this will bring. To celebrate, I ordered a necklace from their Famous Necklaces collection called 'Audrina' and I couldn't wait to get it! Well it finally arrived and while it's nothing like my usual delicate jewellery it's a gorgeous statement necklace that will work perfectly to spice up any evening outfit and decorate the neckline. I even have a discount for you guys so if you want anything from the site, use the code ' mirinagirls ' to get 20% off. Click here now to head to their site. I'm not usually one to go for bigger pieces of jewellery but I fell in love with this one straight away. When I was deciding ...

"Dive In!" August Birchbox: Unboxing and Review

Do you want your own Birchbox Subscription? There is no better time than now to sign up . Click here now and on the link below to get £5 free to spend at the  Birchbox Shop as a bonus! I love getting a little surprise present in the mail each month.  This month's Birchbox is a little different! Instead of a BirchBOX, it's a BirchBAG like in December. When this was announced, I was so excited because they look seriously gorgeous and so practical as a wash bag. Plus I loved the idea of recycling old diving suits.  Unfortunately, it arrived very squished in a box envelope, the paper booklet that I love each month was folded and ripped and the bag itself has what looks like teeth marks in it. Opening it up I was defintely incredibly disappointed.  On to the products! Philip Kingsley One More Day Dry Shampoo - £14.50  I tend to buy products on the cheaper end of the price scale so while this is a little more than I would personally buy, I do sur...

Kaiser Chiefs! (Flashback Friday)

The year I went to Silverstone to watch the British GP, F1, was the first time they had opened the pit lane up to visitors on the Thursday prior. That evening, I won tickets to the Kaiser Chiefs concert and had so much fun. Its crazy the difference in camera quality between then and now. Click here to see the video.  Scroll through for pictures.