Getting my Band 6...a Promotion at Work!
As part of my trust's preceptorship programme, you have to be signed off on a number of different competencies and work in every area of maternity. For me, that meant labour suite, community, the postnatal and the antenatal ward. This has now potentially changed for certain staff members, as Covid-19 and staff shortages have delayed them from rotating to the areas they were meant to. However, for me, I did all the rotations (and am doing so still), but I was lucky in that for a brief period of time, the wards were combined so I got a lot of my antenatal competencies signed off prior to starting the specific placement. Competencies included the basics, such as: epidurals, fetal scalp electrodes, antenatal appointments, day 5 visits, discharges, using the computer systems and learning specific processes for computer systems etc. You also had to have completed both the development booklet, which answered questions about certain topics for the department, and the intravenous medicatio...