What "WE" got Each Other for Valentine's Day 2022!

Valentine's Day is a holiday that many seem to get frustrated with. It's a day of love and I personally love celebrating anything and everything. Valentine's Day is no different, and whilst love should be celebrated everyday, I personally love that there is a special day devoted to it. I also just want to say, that's not just be talking as someone in a relationship, because there have been many others where I was single and I've celebrated Galentine's Day instead. Just like last year, I wanted to share what Luke and I got for each other this year. 

You may or may not know that I am slightly obsessed with Stackers. They are a company that specialises in stylish, simple organisation and I keep expanding my collection of their products. I could easily buy every type of product going, but I am restricting myself. I am also now an ambassador for them so I have a code for 10% off if you would like to use it.

Luke love his playstation but will literally leave his controllers anywhere and everywhere. As a solution to that problem, I bought him a dual controller storage that will feature the controllers, whilst also being stylist, and they even have room for the cables, to keep them charged. Of course, I had to get one that matched the lounge so I was very glad it came in navy blue. 

I also bought him a new wallet. I personally think his is too bulky. He has a lot of rubbish in it and as he keeps it in his pocket, it looks ridiculous. This one is smaller and made of leather so should last longer and be the solution for both of us. I also love that it is in black so will go with everything. 

I also got him a back stretcher that he had requested as a little bonus gift. Honestly, I've seen videos of these myself and been really interested to see if they work, but I am not very impressed. Neither of us had clicked backs and if anything it hurt. It wasn't at all satisfying.

For my presents, he bought me a simple Milk Tray, paid for our 5 course meal and a beautiful diamond heart necklace. He also spent an absolute fortune on a wooden card, that is anything but nice. It's bulky and tacky...not something he will be buying me again. 
