Flatmates 21st!
I love any sort of celebration or season or holiday so when my flatmate turned 21 last week, I went all out!
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My morning started on a hospital placement so I quickly rushed home and surprised Sophie with a treasure hunt. I'm so glad she enjoyed it, even through there were a couple of dodgy rhymes in there. To see the presents click here.
We then walked towards Oxford Circus and she went shopping while I went to university. It was a very pointless 2 hour session but either way I was excited to be home. I grabbed something to eat because I hadn't had lunch, jumped in the shower, did my make-up and then started decorating! Big announcement...I cut my hair!Then people started arriving and when Sophie got home we all surprised her! She knew she was going for a meal out but wasn't expecting any decorations or anyone put the flat so that was nice. In the end, the surprise was kind of a flop but hopefully she still appreciated the attempt.
Onwards to Leicester Square and China Town where we ate and so, so much Christmas magic!
The restaurant was really nice until the waitress split 3 whole drinks on me. I was furious especially given the fact she didn't apologise. Let's just say I won't be going back there again, especially after the terrible service from management. They were truly appalling. (Last week just wasn't my week.)
Next, we planned a trip to Blackfriars and a little bar called Voltaire, into the vaults. Honestly it was amazing! I loved it! It was so much fun, so private, so cosy and just perfect. Thoroughly recommend that to anyone.
It was in the back of a hotel and the hotel lobby was gorgeous. The Christmas tree was just beautiful.
The final stop was back to her old flatmate's house in Camden and while I stayed for just over an hour, I didn't feel entirely comfortable to I left and went home by myself a little early.
Overall, despite yet another incident, it was a fun night out.
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