Making a House a Home: Kitchen Reveal!
After sharing my bedroom earlier this week, I'm excited to move onto the kitchen. This room hasn't actually got that much decor to it and it wasn't going to be a big switch from the empty house tour version, but with brand new appliances throughout, it certainly feels very different. I also thought I'd share some of the organisation items I've bought.
The most noticeable difference is the blind. With so much white in the room, although I was originally going for a natural coloured blind, I am quite pleased I've ended up with a pop of colour! I struggled because I wanted it to match the decor and so it's a little off with it being slightly less green but nevertheless, I think it works perfectly in Duck Egg Blue. On the window sill, I have my hand soap, love plant and a HOME sign.
The home sign matches with the three tiered photo frame I got. I liked the colours and the rustic vibe, although it did unfortunately come a little damaged. Next to that is my well-loved whiteboard.
Appliances wise, these have all been replaced or rebought. The fridge and oven were replaced by my landlord and they are brand new. I then purchases a washer-dryer, microwave and kettle, all in white! For the later, I have a three way plug so I don't have to keep unplugging etc.
Some other little details include bits like my tea/coffee/sugar/bread pots and oven gloves. I also have a fruit bowl, kitchen roll holder and drying rack. Of course, I also got a double bin for normal waste and recycling. My most regretful purchase is the sponge, washing up liquid releaser. It doesn't work at all so I would not recommend!
The final things I thought I would share, is my storage cupboard! I ended up putting my old fairy lights up with blue tac (although this may get updated to christmas light hooks) around the edges and shelves as it's quite dark and there isn't any lighting in there. Against one wall I have my shoe rack which fits all my shoes surprisingly well. On the shelf, I have my duster, iron and spare cleaning supplies. Underneath, I have my clothes drying rack, bow bag and outdoor camping chairs. My two big purchases were my Flash Power Mop which I adore and my Shark Cordless Vacuum, which I am obsessed with. I never thought I would say that about cleaning products!
What surprised you the most about having your own place for the first time? Are you now obsessed with cleaning too?
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