My House Value: Worth It?
A lot of you probably know that last year I bought I house in the height of the market boom and paid well over the cost of market value to buy my first home. It was on the market for £190,000 and I purchased it for £205,000. Looking back, it was a huge mistake, but at the time, I had every intention of being in this house for at least 3 years, but likely so much more.
I always wanted to move back home to Wakefield, but after being completely and utterly in love with my partner at the time, I thought we were meant to be and to me, we were well on our way to get married. He refused to compromise on location, so instead we decided to live where he wanted in Nottingham. Well, since we've broken up, it's been torture living somewhere I envisioned us living in together. A place where I thought we would get engaged at, would be as a married couple and bring our first baby home to. I kept telling myself, once all the work was finished, it would feel like home and whilst, it's a huge important and I am in a much better place, I don't think I'll ever be able to feel truly comfortable or at home here and being alone in a house that doesn't feel like home is incredibly lonely.
With all costs included, in order to be able to move back to my family, I need to be able to sell the property for £230,000 in order to not make a loss. I recently got four different estate agents in to value the house and the first three gave me so much hope, but the last one almost broke me with disappointment.
Out of interest, I won't go into detail on each of the fees on selling with each company but I will say the minimum price. I got the two national companies to quote first with PurpleBricks and Yopa. PurpleBricks valued me at £230,000 to £235,000, recommending I market the property at "Offers over £230,000" and quoted £1,474.80 for fees. Yopa valued me at £230,000 to £240,000 and would market the property at £240,000, with fees of £999.
The first company I had was local to the area and stated £230,000. As they knew I was more so looking out of interest, they didn't go into detail on the fees. One of the private companies valued the property at £210,000 initially and I was really quite taken aback, but later increased it to £220,000. They would charge 1% of the sale price and no fee if no sale.
In reality, unfortunately, I think I'm going to be stuck here for at least a few more years and I'm going to try my absolute hardest to try and make it feel like home. As much as I would love to be able to move, I don't want to move out and loose out because that would be a large chunk of my savings.
As a side note: interestingly, I am quite pleased to say that I am in a slightly better position than I would have been if two of the properties I put offers in earlier had been successful. One was on the market at £180,000 and I offered £187,500 but it sold for £197,000. The first was on for £170,000 and I offered £175,000 but it sold for £182,000.
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