Heart-breaking Reality, Unfortunate Musical and Yorkshire Show!

After a difficult an emotional end of June, my July annual leave started off as more of the same but I kept busy at the Great Yorkshire Show!

Click here to watch the vlog or see below. 

I've been very open and honest about my mental health over the last couple of years and the last few months have been better overall, but June just hit me full on again as it came to a lot of milestones and memories and honestly, I just miss my best friend. It's even harder when they want absolutely nothing to do with you, not even a note to say hey. 

On top of that, I also had my ever looming dissertation due and that was really beginning to take it's toll on me as I had almost 3 weeks where I didn't leave the house other than to go to my "day job" work and even then, I would be thinking about my dissertation. I was really happy with how it was going just before my annual leave, when I got a whole lot of negative feedback which just took it out of me again, and I'll share more of that in Part 3 of my dissertation diary. 

Anyway, something I look forward to every year in the Great Yorkshire Show. I buy an Annual Yorkshire Agricultural Society so that I have a Membership ticket and can go for all 4 days. Unfortunately, I was not feeling very well. Before I headed to Wakefield, I took a Covid test which was negative, but I had a bad cough and awful headache. I'd also looked after 3 Covid patients the week before. 

Nevertheless, I tried my best and took a whole lot of medication regularly: paracetamol, ibuprofen, co-codamol and strepsils! It was a lot and the weather was absolutely miserably. We arrived just before 10am on the first day and buy 11am, I was soaked through. So much so, to the point I had to buy the biggest, thickest, most waterproof coat I possibly could. The rest of the week, I barely took it off. 

Of course, we still enjoyed it and it was lovely to see all my favourite annual events. We saw all the farm animals, including some gorgeous calves and goats. 
We spent a few hours on the second day watching the sheep shearing, then moved onto the pole climbing and gardens. I was very impressed that one volunteer from the audience tried to climb the pole with no prior experience or training. He did so well and quickly got half way and then just got shattered so could only go about another quarter and didn't quite make it to the top, but still did so well!
Show jumping is also big on the agenda and I think this year was one of the poorest results, probably because of the weather and the poor surface but nevertheless, still fun to watch. On the third day, when the sun finally start to shine a little, I finally looked out from under my hood and saw all the lovely photo areas they had created which were perfect. 

I didn't end up going to the last day as planned, because I was feeling really out of it and under the weather. It was my cousin's wedding the next day so I felt it was important to try and recover at least a little before the big day. Next week is a happier vlog, albeit still hard for me, but it's filled with babysitting and not one, but two weddings! 
