2015 Resolutions

It's that time of the year for making New Year's resolutions. I start them on the 7th of January, just because it's horrible to go on a diet or whatever, or give up things when there are loads of parties going on.

If you saw my New Year's Eve decorations post, you will have seen the cute little cards I printed. These were printed on white card so the back was plain. At my party, I got everyone to write down there's. We ended up playing a game with them, getting people to guess who's is who. But it is also I really cute little memory to put in a keepsake box and perhaps look at again at the end of the year.

My new year's resolutions are:
1. Eat at least 3 portions of fruit or vegetables every day
I go through faces of healthy eating. I tend to eat 5 a day for a week and then none for a week. This year, my aim is to make it more regular.

2. Go to the gym 3 times a week
Since I started university, in October, I have been doing really well with going to the gym. Since I've been home, I haven't been once. Hopefully I can get back into it!

3. Make more time for reading
I love reading! Usually, since I was little, I've read a book a week. In the summer holidays, I read one nearly every day but university is so busy, I haven't had any time to read novels at all. Every spare minute seems to be taken up with curriculum reading ect. I'm hoping this year will be quieter and allow more time for reading my own books, perhaps with better time management.

4. Cut down on diet coke; maximum of 2 glasses a week
3 years ago, I gave up diet coke for a year and I was so proud of myself. I do have a slight obsession and it's really hard because I only really drink 3 drinks: water, diet coke and apple and blackcurrent juice. So at parties, it tends to be diet coke. I decided this time I would ration myself rather than give up cold turkey.

5.Write my blog more regularly
This was a last minute add on. I love writing a blog. I tend to use it more as a diary to myself more than anything, and I already love looking back at memories of what I did and how I was feeling ect. I do really well in holidays, so similarly to the reading resolution, I hope I can fit this in too. Even if it is a quick paragraph with no pictures at all.

If you remember yesterday's post called 'New Year, New Me?', I talked about SMART goals.

What are your resolutions and goals for 2015?
