Summer 2016 Goals!

As I walked out of my last exam today, I was so excited to start summer but alas the weather has turned and the hot, sunny days of the past week have converted to rain. I was wearing flip flops and a cardigan...the walk home wasn't fun. It's so disappointing because for the last few weeks I've been stuck inside sweating to death in 22 degrees but today, of course, it switched on us.


This past year has been challenging and has defintely had it's ups and downs but now that exams have officially finished - yey! - I have a good few months off. I want this summer to be productive and memorable.

I while ago I talked about SMART goals and every time I think of anything I want to accomplish, I always go back and ask myself: is this realistic? Those rules are extremely important when making a list of targets you want to reach in a set timeframe.

Here are the specific ones I have set myself to reach:
  1. Vlog weekly. To have the confidence to vlog more. I love looking back on memories and this summer I hope to be able to improve my skills recording and enhance on my, currently very basic, editing skills. 
  2. Read more. During term time it's so difficult to set aside the day to read books for fun. Instead I'm hampered down with revision and text books which just aren't the same. I'm so excited to get back to my ritual of nightly reading and getting so engrossed, hours go by without me realising. Starting with The Maze Runner Trilogy. 
  3. Be healthy. I think every time I write a list of goals I always include get fit, loose weight, eat fruits and vegetables and this time I just want to be healthy. I'm kickstarting my summer off with a juice cleanse which I will go more into at a later date but just know...I'm looking forward to it!
  4. Take the bull by its horns. A very cliche titled goal but it is so completely true. I have the summer with a home in London. I have the time to do what I want, when I want and how I want. I want to really make the most out of every opportunity and live life to the full.
  5. Plan next year. I have no idea what the results of these exams will hold for me but by the time September comes around, I just want to have a plan of action set out of where I will be in three, five and even ten years time. Whether that be lucky enough to still be studying medicine 9a lifelong learning process) or midwifery or photography. I have a lot of passions and I just hope that I end up happy.

What are your summer goals?

Update: I filmed a quick vlog this day too!

P.S. Now that exams are over, I'm back to Mon - Wed - Friday schedule! Friday will continue to be Flashback Friday videos and pictures as I still have a few more edited and scheduled to go; hopefully one a week will be a vlog and the third will be a surprise! Extra vlog? Fashion? Makeup? Beauty? Subscribe to see! 
