Reset and Ready

I've had a lovely week away and unplugged from the majority of the online environment. Like I said last week, I've really taken it upon myself this week to be gently accepting of my own limitations. 

It’s funny. For a while there, I lost my passion and joy for blogging. I always said I never wanted it to feel like work and that if it ever did, I would stop. I've taken a few breaks this year in order to prevent that, but on the plane journey to and from Jamaica, the majority of my time was spent writing content for the blog or planning future ideas and I loved it. 
I have a whole bunch of blog posts already written and scheduled and I'm so excited to start sharing again. I have some very exciting product reviews and collaborations to be shared, I am going to be sharing all my book reviews for the year and the final big renovation project is almost finished so be ready for step-by-step progress updates! 
