University Room Tour!

I'm finally getting around to posting my room tour. I moved into my new home just over a month ago now and while I settled in quite quickly, I decided to save this post until I had a slow week. Hence the delay. 

Click here to watch the bedroom room tour! 

I have kept my room fairly simple and I'm sure you'll find it a little familiar as I've used almost the exact same things I have for the last 3 years. Here's my second year and third year accommodation. 

I personally don't see the point in spending money on things that are already available for free so I kept my plain white sheets from my childhood single bed and used decorative pillows to add a little colour. One of my favourite finds of university is Command strips and hooks. I use them for EVERYTHING! They are the best because they are so versatile and don't leave any marks. 

 In terms of pictures I used my previously printed photographs from Photobox and Freeprints. Pictures are a great way to add colour and homeliness to a room.
Finally, I put up my whiteboard, used 3 Amazon baskets as extra storage space and used the shelves. One for university things and another for more decorative items. The chest of drawers I've used to put my makeup and hair products on.
The only thing I have bought this year around is the floor length mirror because surprisingly, there wasn't one in the entire flat. Nor any sort of mirror in my room at all. It was the first thing I bought!

The rest of the flat is pretty simple, it's normal student accommodation. I was really nervous about not having an en-suite for the first time but having 2 bathrooms just a few steps away and sharing with all girls is quite comforting.

The only other room is the kitchen. It's quite spacious, has a full dining room and a sociable sofa area too!
