Happy New Year
If you read this post when it first went live, it will have read: "Slightly early celebrations from me this year, as I’m working tomorrow. I have to be up bright and early at 6am to start work at 7am, so I’m pretty much going to bed shortly after this post goes life." Instead, I'm starting the New Year off by myself for the third day in a row whilst I am isolating and awaiting a PCR test. I guess you could say I feel a little sorry for myself!
Whilst you’re out celebrating tonight and ringing in the New Year, raise a glass for me. I hope you all have the most wonderful night and very…Happy New Year!
I was going to start off the year with a challenge to post every day of January. However, given how rough I'm currently feeling, I've decided not to push myself too hard just yet. I love writing, but I do feel like there were times last year when I felt bored of it and ran out of ideas. I still have lots to share from last year, plus all the usual posts that the New Year brings so they will just be slightly spread throughout the month instead.
What type of posts do you want to see, both this month and the rest of the year? I would love to hear some suggestions in the comments below.
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