I Got the Keys and Start to Finish Timeline (Buying my First Home)
Having never bought a house before, I didn't really know what to expect when buying a house. I've said this so many times, but they should really teach life skills and information at school. Things like purchasing property, taxes, savings and everything else is a mind field. Of course, neither of my parents really helped or supported me either, so I have just learnt as I've gone along.
I was expecting to be able to get the keys first thing in the morning, but no. Despite paying all the fees and deposit 3 weeks prior, I still had to wait for the sellers to move out, which took me into the early evening. Then I had to pick the keys up from the office that wasn't the easiest to find. If I'd have known in advance, I wouldn't have had 3 appointments arranged for the afternoon!
It was a long journey but on the morning of Wednesday 27th July 2022, I finally picked up the keys for my first house. I am officially a single person home owner. It's been such a crazy long journey and it has defintely been a little stressful at times, but it is finally done.
From start to finish, its been almost 8 months. I always said that I wanted to start looking for a house with the goal to buy quickly, 1 year after being employed. I have always been very careful with my money, but I am also lucky enough to have received some inheritance from my grandad when he passed away, so I didn't have to wait too long to have a decent deposit available within my savings.
I thought it would be fun to share a timeline of exactly what's happened and when!
- December 2021: Started looking at properties
- 7th February 2022: First house offer made
- 19th February 2022: Viewed the property
- 98th February 2022: Made an offer on the property
- 22nd February 2022: Successful offer on the property
- 25th February 2022: Selected a solicitor
- 1st March 2022: House sold subject to contracts
- 2nd March 2022: Applied for a mortgage with Santander
- 15th March 2022: Started the mortgage with NatWest
- 29th March 2022: Surveyor and Valuation
- 1st April 2022: Mortgage approved
- 4th May 2022: Seller bought a house
- 24th June 2022: Electrical inspection
- 12th July 2022: Exchange of contracts
- 13th July 2022: Insurance organised for buildings, contents and life
- 27th July 2022: Completion!
I'm still not quite moved in by the time this post goes live. It's a very busy few weeks. I had already arrange annual leave as I have 2 weddings (one of which is a Sikh wedding so consists of 4 days of activities) and then I also have graduation as well. It's going to be a crazy period, but hopefully I can get things settled and ready quickly. The current plan is moving in officially and completely on the 11th August!
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