Spa Day, Twycross Zoo and Three Birthdays!
It's been a while since I posted a vlog and whilst I've not been recording anywhere near as much as I used to, here's a few clips from throughout March and April.
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March hosted a bake sale for our Shared Governance Council, alongside lots of Easter celebrations at work. I spent 3 of the 4 bank holiday weekend days at work, 1 out of choice as an extra.
I haven't been in the room to celebrate anything really, and this was year was the first I haven't decorated for Valentine's Day since I became an adult. I almost didn't decorate for Easter, but just 2 days before, I decided I should make the effort and it might even cheer me up a little. Of course, it didn't do much but it was nice to have a bit of seasonal decor back in my life.
The same week, we also celebrated my cousins birthday. We had a lovely meal at a fancy pub nearby, before heading back to the house to chill, listen to music, have cake and open presents. I left feeling terrible and spent the next few days in bed.
I've also been seeing so many TikTok videos of head spas and I have become obsessed. My favourite thing in life is to have my head massaged. I just find it blissful to have it played with, even brushed! I could sit there for hours. I found the perfect location and convinced my cousin to come with me also. We made a day out of it with brunch beforehand, going to an art gallery, 2 hours having what ended up being a full body massage and finally a lovely dog walk, before we picked up my nephew from nursery and I ended up staying for some food in the evening too. I also went to a couple of West End productions that our currently touring the UK, with both Wizard of Oz and Life of Pi. I've written a full review of each of them, which will be going live within the next month so be sure to read them if you're interested. It was also the week all the beautiful blossom trees came out. I have so many in my extended garden, as well as an entire street on either road side, on the main route to work, which always makes me smile.
My cousin and I took my nephew to his first zoo. We've bought annual memberships so we will probably be going quite a lot over the next few months in the summer, at least I will be once I've hopefully finished my Masters. It was lovely to see the animals but probably the most miserable day I've spent there, with so much miserable rain and it was pretty cold so my nephew didn't have the best time. I also think he's potentially a little too young to understand. He only liked a couple of the animals, and the majority of the time, he was more interested in the other kids.
We also celebrated my mum's birthday. We had a little trip to the casino, where I came out £60 up which is nice! For her actual birthday, she wanted to spend the day with the dogs. Jess was working during the day, so mum and I had a long walk around a nearby canal and to a waterfall, before Jess met us for an early tea at the pub in the evening.
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