Hair Fix, Baby Shower and Wedding Lohri!

A DITL style vlog starts with a hair dressers appointment, then a baby shower and finally a wedding lohri. Then began my week of night shifts. 
Click here for the vlog or see below. 

Following on from last week's vlog, I was a little disappointed with my hair cut. It was incredibly uneven both from a front to back perspective and from a layer perspective. I ended up booking an emergency haircut appointment with my usual hair salon and they could fit me in the follow day. Whilst it still wasn't perfect, it was so much better and I returned from the hairdressers feeling much more myself, with it curled and styled to perfection. 

I came back home and quickly got showered, dressed and did my makeup. With makeup on especially I felt so pretty and care free. I also put on one of my new favourite dresses and I thought it was perfect for the gender reveal as well. My gut instinct with the 11 week scan was girl, but I'd recently been getting boy vibes so I decided to go for blue to edge my bets. I also didn't really have a wintery pink dress so that was the main reason. 
The baby shower was super cute. It was very intimate but lovely. There was 10 guests there, and we had a small private function room in a cafe. Emilia made some homemade biscuits, and a sweet takeaway box too. Inside was the most precious of messages, each one handwritten and different. She also made a cake for us to take home as unfortunately, the cafe didn't let us eat it there as they sold cake, despite not having time to order cake before they kicked us out half an hour before closing. Other than that, the cafe was really nice and the food was delicious. 
As the baby shower finished I bit earlier than I had anticipated, I actually got back sooner and then didn't have to rush to get ready. I got dressed, topped up my makeup and tidied the house before heading back out to my cousin in law's parents house for his brother's wedding Lohri. This is basically a Sikh tradition to celebrate big events from my understanding. 

I arrived just as the welcome ceremony was beginning and an Indian buffet was served. This was followed by the fire ceremony where nuts and seeds are thrown in the fire for good wishes, then dancing and singing, then the main meal and finally the cake ceremony. It didn't finish until late so I was rather tired, especially as a lot of the Punjabi language obviously goes over my head. Instead, I spent the majority of my time playing with the kids which I honestly loved. My nephew was there, as well as 3 young kids from the bride's family who were all so sweet. 
Back home, I got ready for bed and watched tv in bed. I started watching Riviera as it came out on Netflix so that's been in the background of most of my time recently. I edited vlogs, wrote blog posts and had office days, as well as 4 of the loveliest night shifts. I looked after some truly amazing families and enjoyed every single one of my shifts, also working with great team members and two fantastic students. 
