New Year Resolutions 2025
My word this year is going to be "potential". Last year, I "embraced" what came my way and tried to accept that. This year, I was to know my worth, strive for excellence and rise up to be the best I can be. Having completed my Master's degree, I know there are professional achievements that are within reach, as well as a focus on business opportunities with both my blog, YouTube and beauty business. Most importantly, with myself as I have started to feel more optimistic about my future.
After another difficult year, albeit better than the previous, I've chosen to make my New Year Resolutions for the year a little simpler. I have also decided I'm going to have some annual goals.
- Read 12 books. I really liked this goal previously and I think I'll try to keep this a regular goal with one book a month. I really want to get through some of my books in the TBR pile, as well as The Wish and The 7 Year Slip.
- Have an official spa day. I think I want to make this an annual resolution with a luxury spa day and overnight hotel stay every year.
- Travel somewhere new. Whilst I don't plan on a big trip this year, I still want to tick off another country on my list of places I've visited.
- Build up stamina. After being so poorly and already being unfit before then, the long Covid-19 diagnosis has definitely recognised I need to be kinder to myself, however I do hope to get slightly fitter and healthier, with less breathlessness on simple movement.
- Save money. After overspending last year on my travels and having some unexpected costs, I need to save up some money again for both more travels and for maternity leave. I was planning on going to Australia and New Zealand this year, but I think it will be the year after now, which will still be within the goal of before 30.
- Complete the garden. I feel like I keep saying this but I still have a few things to do around the garden. I need to sort out the additional land, and make it pretty, then also paint the fence and pebbles.
- Sell old clothes. This was a goal I had last year which I failed to achieve but as I'm running out of space, I really want to sell them as a priority.
- Donate my hair. This was planned to be for last year but after the company wanted a longer length, I had to wait a little longer.
- Explore my sensuality. I may do a whole post on this soon but I've really started to enjoy feeling sexy and after my boudoir photoshoot, I definitively don't want that to be the peak.
- Invest in myself. Like with my word of the year, I want to focus on myself and my potential in both work, life and extracurricular.
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