My UTI Experience: Symptoms, Care and Treatment
Apparently, when I as much younger I had urine and kidney infections quite severely. There was a point in my childhood that I had to go to the doctors quite regularly for blood tests, but since age 8 I'd been the picture of health. Sadly, within the space of 2 weeks, I experienced 2 urine infections and it was honestly, so painful.
I had all the symptoms both times. It started with a slight stinging when I went to the toilet, then increased to burning, alongside urgency, increased frequency and being unable to pass large amounts. Each time was just a small trickle. I usually don't stop on the drive to my sister's house 2 and a half hours away, but I literally stopped at almost every service station on the way down because I was in agony and felt desperate for a wee. I had severe abdominal pain alongside blood stained urine, which quite quickly turned into large clots also. Luckily, I didn't experience the smelly urine, fever/chills or nausea/vomiting, but nevertheless I wasn't well.
On day 2 of the symptoms, when the bleeding started, I went to the pharmacy and got a prescription for Nitrofurantoin twice a day for three days. It worked really quickly. By the second day, I was able to control the urges to go to the toilet and by that evening, the bleeding has settled.
The exact same symptoms happened about 2 weeks later, after being completely well after the treatment. This time I didn't wait the extra day for the symptoms to get worse though, and went straight away whilst I was at work. I went to the pharmacy but they said they couldn't give me treatment as I'd already had antibiotics in the last 6 months. As it was a Saturday, and given that I was working the next 4 days as well, they told me to go to A+E.
It was an absolute nightmare there as I was originally told I'd be seen in 30 minutes, but it was almost 2 hours later. The doctor I saw was lovely. He was not only very thorough in regards to the UTI, but also told me of the results from the blood tests and samples I'd had at the GP. It showed that my urine actually had E.Coli in it already so 5 days prior is when I should have received antibiotics, but the GP missed it. Again. As usual.
Touch wood, I've not had another UTI since and it's been almost 2 months now so fingers crossed it stays that way. I'm feeling hopeful and wondering if it's simply related to how rundown I've been, and how many antibiotics I've been on for the pneumonia. I did also consider it to be STI related, so see next week's post on that topic.
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