2024 Reflecting on my Resolutions
I did absolutely shocking in my New Year resolutions last year. I think it was my worse year by far but in all honesty, I'm not beating myself up too hard and I really did stick to my word of the year: embrace. I tried to take everything in my stride and accept whatever came. My mental health was much improved, there were no suicidal thoughts and no self harming which was a massive improvement, but I also was sick for almost 6 months of it, peaking with a hospital admission in August with bilateral pneumonia.
What did I achieve? I went on my big planned trip of the year with America and Canada! I also did read 12 books. I read 6 books on my travels, with my favourite being the Knockemout Trilogy by Lucy Score, that I read in 4 days on the cruise ship. I "read" the others using mainly audiobooks: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Counting the Cost and Becoming Free Indeed. I still haven't read as much as I would have liked but it's been an okay year.
My spa day was a success and such a great way to start the year with family, despite the freezing cold weather. I successfully finished my Masters which was a huge relieve. I sadly missed out on the Distinction by 2%, but given the difficulties I went through in the first year, I would say this was still a huge achievement, despite all the adversities.
I managed to save a little bit of money but unfortunately no where near as much as I had originally wanted. That, alongside going over budget on my travels meant that I actually don't have anywhere near as much savings as I would like and I'm definitely in a deficit overall, thanks to also buying a car and overpaying my mortgage.
The garden has been half completed. My dad came for the day and took out the tree in the front garden which I've tidied, planted and reseeded the grass. He also tidied and cleared the area behind the fence, but I haven't got around to deciding what to do with the area just yet. I'm thinking large sunflower or wildflower pots maybe. I painted and touched up all the fences, so in 2025 I would really like to paint all the posts and cemented areas of fence. I got a really good gardener to do a couple hours every couple of weeks over the summer, but sadly he's not working in the winter which is a shame.
I managed to tick off the majority of the remaining 2023 to do list quite quickly, watching Big Love, Yellowstone, Pod Generation, Escape Room and Siren, and reading some bucket list books. I haven't quite managed to watch The Spanish Princess yet because it stopped being free, and I still need to read The Wish and The 7 Year Slip!
I definitely did not get fit sadly. In fact, I paused my gym membership in the summer when I started getting poorly, whilst also trying to finish my Masters degree. I also said no to the Diet Coke fast. I'm usually really good at sticking to this one but I ended up telling myself that I would rather than happy than restrict myself, which is how I feel about diets in general.
Finally, the sell old clothes was also something I just never got round to doing. Hopefully this will get done this year as I've bought plenty of new clothes I much prefer and desperately need to downsize and clear out space in my wardrobe.
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