New Years, Undecorate Christmas and Haircut Donation!

My year ended and started in the same way, but then started to look up!
Click here to watch the vlog or see below. 
I spent the last week of 2024 in bed, which I feel pretty much sums up my year. I've been so poorly for months now and it is getting so frustrating. I was really sad to be ending the year feeling so alone so it took me a long time to finally be able to get ready on New Year's Eve. I kept starting my makeup and having to stop because I would start crying again. I eventually managed to finish it, then got the car packed up ready to head back to Wakefield to spend the night with family. 

I honestly wasn't looking forward to it in the first place, but it was my first New Year's off in 5 years (including the Covid-19 year I spent alone) and I wanted to try and enjoy it as much as possible. Sadly, the second I arrived, I was already shouted at multiple times by my mother's husband and of course, I ended up in tears all over again. I hate the man she married and I honestly don't know how a mother could put their child through so much pain. 

I eventually stopped crying again just as people started to arrive and poured myself a glass of Diet Coke to try and enjoy the start of the night. 
It was a pretty small family. None of my extended family were coming and no friends, so it was mainly just my immediate household and my mum's family friends. It was nice to see some of them and catch up as it had been quite some time. As mum broke her ankle, she kept it quite simple with food. Mainly buffet style food with joint options. 
New Year's Day was spent in pyjamas and I binge watched the newest and honestly, in my opinion, the best season of Virgin River yet. It was so good! Exciting an story telling and everything I wanted it to be. The next day, my sister and I headed to the cinema to see Wicked. Unfortunately, when we arrived it had already sold out, so instead we went to the Bianco Lounge for lunch. The food was okay, but not the best, however it was quite a cute little restaurant with some very sweet touches, like a donation library. 

We did watch Wicked at the house in the end, as it came out on Amazon Prime. I thought the film was okay but quite slow paced, especially the first half. I honestly struggle to see the hype around it because I didn't think it as impressive at all. I found the first half had far too many songs and I struggled to follow the story because every other word was the start of the song. It got better as time went on with more scenes of talking instead. I've since seen so many deleted scenes on TikTok and it's such a shame they deleted all the character development and relationship scenes, because I didn't get the friendships elements at all. 

Getting back to Nottingham meant I had to work. I had 2 day shifts, followed by 4 night shifts (one shift was an extra shift). I actually arranged a Birth Reflections appointment for the afternoon to ensure I would get up and out of bed, so I woke up at 2.30pm for the appointment at 3pm and then spent the rest of day doing jobs. 
I undecorated for Christmas before heading out for a grocery shop to get some essentials and return some things to the post office. The next day, I had a cleaner come to deep clean the house. It felt so nice to have a fresh start and reset but it is funny when the house feels so empty. 
Then the time came for a haircut. I had planned to get my hair cut last year, as I try to donate it every 3 years - this will have been the third time it's been donated! - but when I went on the website, they were asked for ideally hair over 12" long and it wasn't quite that length, so I waited a bit longer instead. I plan to do a whole post on the haircut very soon so stay tuned, but it's quite the change! 
The hair saga continues in the next vlog...
