New Series - Midwifery Talks!

I am so excited to announce the launch of a new blog series that I will be posting in the next few months!

Over the years, I've started a few blogger series and I've always had amazing feedback. Since starting Midwifery I've already learnt so much and while I learnt more knowledge studying Medicine, what I do think I've learnt is more practical and useful information in the first few months of my new course.

I've been always been someone who is a massive fan of babies, and in fact many of my closest friends and families call me baby-obsessed. Honestly, it's refreshing to finally be associated and surrounded by like-minded people 24/7.
Nevertheless, despite my sister's amazement about my knowledge of newborns and children, I've learnt things I defintely had no clue about before and so I thought if I didn't know it, most people wouldn't either.

I think it will be interesting to have slightly more of the unusual or to talk about the topics that people are less aware of when it comes to pregnancy, childbirth and newborns.

So here it is. The launch of Midwifery Talks! Stay tuned for more posts soon.
