BBQ Breaks, Ed Sheeran Roadtrip and Farm Tours!
With a boring week spent essay writing, I had to break it up a little with the Royal Wedding and a Park BBQ with friends. To celebrate, we headed to town for lunch, shopping and the cinema. A fun roadtrip to see Ed Sheeran in concert concluded the busy week!
Click here to watch the vlog or see below.
University very kindly give us a whole week off when we have to write essays and I do weirdly actually enjoy the process. I love researching topics in depth and being able to know the ins and outs. What I don't enjoy is cutting out words and I always have to. So by Saturday, I was very much in need of a break. Luckily, the Royal Wedding was the perfect occasion and I loved watching Harry and Meghan get married and I defintely cried some happy tears. After, I quickly got ready for an unboxing on my Hannah's Lips UK FB Group. My goal is to go live once a week and hopefully I can follow through!
For a late lunch, early tea, my friends and I decided to head to the park. It was such a beautiful day and it seemed such a shame to spend the whole time inside. I left a little early to get an hour in at the gym before closing but it was nice to chill for a little while, despite taking my essay with me. We managed to have a little BBQ and enjoy the sun; it's crazy how much we're getting at the moment!
Amazingly, the park wasn't even that busy. I hadn't been before but all the others had, and said it was packed. I guess, it's now the start of the summer holidays and exam season for most other students so it makes sense, but it was pleasantly peaceful. I even got my legs out to catch some rays.
Once I was back from the gym, it was time to start again and I'd managed to cut down loads of my essay. The first 4,000 words were easy because I'd been very repetitive while using different textbooks. The next 2,000 were simply making the text easy to understand but that last 1,000 was a nightmare. My dad helped me with the first hundred but then the last 600 were slow and painful. Nevertheless, I submitted my essay at 3.11pm the day the 5pm deadline so still over 24 hours before but just a few minutes later than my own personal goal. I was also the last of those who were staying at the flat to work so I think we all!
Oh, by the way, what do you hear? Technically I hear Yarry but there is no way it's Laurel. So what did you hear? Leave me a comment below :)
The last week at university before our next placement was actually a really nice preparation for practice session. On Wednesday, we had the day off so some of us went to town. We went for lunch at Pizza Hut, then shopping for ball outfits before Vicki and I headed off to the free cinema to see The Book Club, a preview. When I got home, I wrote up some blog posts and so hopefully you've been able to catch up on them. The view from the top of the cinema was so pretty, especially with the sun shining and the film was so funny. I couldn't stop laughing out loud.
Finally, the day we'd been waiting for arrived! A couple of weeks ago, a fiend posted on facebook that she'd just got tickets for Ed Sheeran. I thought he'd have sold out in seconds so I quickly looked it up and was amazed to see there were still some available. In the end, there ended up being me, Sam and Vicki going and we had so much fun. We left university at lunch time and Vicki kindly drove down to Manchester. Parking was interesting but we came back to see the car was safe.
I think we all had so much fun at the concert and despite being freezing cold - there's no roof! - loved seeing Jamie Lawson, Anne-Marie and Ed Sheeran. I actually thought the view was really good and of course, having seen Jamie and Anne-Marie before, I eagerly anticipated Ed the most. There will be a full concert video and review next Monday so stay tuned!
We ended up going back to mine afterwards and called at McDonald's on the way back. It was a late night but the girls came into my room at 10.30am (thankfully I got a little lie in) before we all had breakfast, got ready and then went exploring the farms. The pigs and chickens were big fans and then we drove to my Uncle's to see the horses. Vicki set off from their while I took Sam to the train station, a little early but not too bad.
From there, I headed home, quickly finished my makeup because I felt so bare without a lipstick on, and then set off again to visit my friend in Leeds. We used to meet half way but as she's got a newborn, I've been driving to her's recently. Although, there was a slight problem in the fact that I didn't have any 4G left so I had to borrow my mum's phone and luckily she agreed.
I ended up being there for so much longer than I'd planned because a couple of builders came so I was 'babysitting' while she was sorting them out. And while I was starving, because we didn't go out for food like I'd thought we were doing, I got lots of baby snuggles in so I was more than happy!
What a perfect way to end the week! Have you been enjoying the sun?
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