Take Back the Control!

I'm sure some of you have noticed the change in tone this year. I know I haven't been putting my heart and soul into this blog recently and while I've never lost the love I have for blogging, I've realised, I lost the love I have for myself. 

The last few months - well almost the last year! - I've really struggled with not knowing where my life was going. I lost my grasp of what I always saw my future as, and even knowing what I was going to be doing in September, I still didn't really know where I was going. 

I finally feel like I have control of my life again and I can genuinely say I'm happy. I've become inspired by life again and I'm so happy of where I am right now. 

What's really helped this is knowing exactly what I'm doing, when and how. I officially know exactly what I'm doing for the next 8 weeks and I absolutely love it. This past weekend was spent just organising my life and I seriously can't tell you how amazing it feels. It's the unknown that scares me and stresses me out. 

So for me, the easiest way to plan my life was to first draw a table with the days of the week across the top and w/c down the side. I then split each day into Day and Night due to the way my work shifts are. For me, colour coding my life is the easiest so I started with the most important and went from there. 
  1. Orange - work shifts 
  2. Yellow - social plans 
  3. Blue - caseholding 
  4. Red - university 
  5. Green - heading home 

I really want to share my timetable and plan but at the same time it has my exact plans written on it and I'm not sure that's entirely safe to do, so I'll add it at the beginning of July. 

Overall, it's really helped me stay on top of my schedule and really visualise plans for the next few weeks, from work to all my social plans: Ed Sheeran, Nottingham Championships, birthdays, visiting family and even Wimbledon! 
