Blogtober Tag!

A couple of years ago, I completed Blogtober and I absolutely loved it! Having only just done a challenge to post everyday of the month - back in June - I'm not quite ready to go for Blogtober again just yet. My life is just a little too crazy and busy at the moment to commit to that, but I'm not too far off with 4 posts a week, every week.
Instead, here's a fun Blogtober Tag about all things Autumn! Thank you to Jupiter from Life with Jupiter and Dann for tagging me and creating the tag. I would like to tag Claire at Stapo’s Thrifty Life Hacks so be sure to head to her post to read about her autumn favourites.

Onto the questions!

What’s your favourite fall scent?
My favourite fall scent is Toasted Marshmellow. I love sweet smells and it's so yummy and warm. I love that it reminds me of family around a camp fire.

Do you prefer pumpkin pie or apple pie?
I actually don't like pumpkin so it would have to be apple pie!

What’s one autumn tradition you have?
Growing up I didn't have many traditions as a family. I can't wait to create my own when I have kids one day but until then, it's more the little things. I think kicking leaves in the park is pretty and so much fun.

What are you planning on dressing up as for Halloween?
Ooo good question! I genuinely haven't thought of it yet. I actually have the day off work - shockingly! - so I am sure I'll be doing something to celebrate. I have a few costumes in the bag so probably a which or a devil.

What are you most excited for in Fall?
I'm actually really excited to cuddle in front of the fire with my boyfriend and watch some films. Sad I know!

What is your favourite scary movie?
I hate scary films! I don't class them as scary but I like the Final Destination films.

What is your favourite Halloween candy?
I don't think we have specific Halloween candy in the UK, at least not to the extent that the US does. I like the little treat bags for trick or treating, with M+M's colour coded.

Favourite Pumpkin Spiced flavor thing?
I love a cupcake so I would say a pumpkin spiced cupcake with buttercream icing...mmmm.

What is your warmest Fall memory?
I feel like this is another one that I don't really know. I'm really bad at this!

What is your favourite autumn must have?
What a lovely question to end on. A matching pair of gloves and scarves. I love wrapping up warm and being cosy. I can't wait!
