February 2020 Round Up!
Following on from my January Round Up last month, who's ready for another?
Book: I've finally got around to finishing Louise Pentland's Robin Wilde series. I finished the first book a while back so I had the two sequels to finish and it's just taken me a while to get into them. Once I started though, I really enjoyed them. They're so easy to read and makes me forget about life's little stresses.
Film: Is it strange I haven't been watching films recently? I used to prefer films to tv but now I'm a tv binge watcher. We ended up treating ourselves to Wonder Woman 1984 which was good but a disappointment after the first for sure. I thought the first scene was amazing but then it got quite boring and went on a little too long, if I'm honest.
TV Show: This month has been another for watched television, but not quite as many as January! Travellers was our couple show of choice, and I've loved watching Shadowhunters again. I also finished Firefly Lane which was lovely too.
Podcast: One of my favourite YouTuber's is JesssFam and her and her co-parenting group have started a new podcast called Famtastic Four. It's raw, real and raunchy!
Blogger: Niamh Darby has been someone who's inspired me recently. I've loved some of her new posts and I'm also in a blogger support group with so go have a quick look if you're interested.
YouTuber: Janna has recently launched her channel, but I used to watch her old family vlog channel. I think she's so sweet and cute. I'm loving watching her new home come together.
Personal Blog Post: I have to go for my NQM thoughts here. It's something that's really thought provoking, showing the reality of being a NQM and something I want to remember, especially in years to come, when I become a mentor myself.
Personal Vlog: My favourite vlog has got to be all about Valentine's Day. I love celebrating love and even though we're in lockdown, and I was actually working on Valentine's Day, I'm so glad we got to spend some time together and make it special.
Personal Memory: It's kind of a bad memory, but it reminded me of how lucky I am. After 6 night shifts and 8 days of being on night shift mode, I was really struggling. I was completely knackered and exhausted, and awful to Luke, but he stuck by me and was my own personal slave or the weekend which was such a blessing.
Summary: This month has been busy! I've had a lot of online and in person training which has meant work is a little bitty, but I've managed to see friends and family (socially distanced of course) and had happy times.
Inspiring: There have been some really incredible individuals sharing their journey through the pandemic and one in particular really hit me about the effects of long-term Covid. I'm so grateful that no one I know has been directly affected.
Frightening: I got a really bad tooth abscess under my wisdom tooth at the start of the month, which wasn't great, but I also had an awful shoulder dystocia experience at work, which lost me a lot of sleep.
Next Month: I'm really hoping lockdown measures start to be reduced because I'm finding it really hard at the moment. March 8th and 26th seem to be the dates on the agenda at the moment. I also can't wait to have all my new starter job training to be completed and I really hope I start sleeping better again.
What have you been enjoying? Share some of you monthly highlights!
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