Getting a Survey (Buying my First Home)
When buying a house, getting a survey is vital to ensure the building is worth the money you are buying and also to ensure it is a worthy investment.
It is advised to have a RICS Home Survey – Level 2 for houses built in 1960 or later, and a Level 3 for houses built prior. I was initially told the house was built in early 1960s so I selected a Level 2, however it has since been told it was late 1950s. The Level 2, includes a survey and valuation service, with a physical inspection of the property, alongside a valuation, and report based on the inspection.
I had initially researched surveyors though Compare my Move, and received some quotes directly. I based my decision on an average prices quote, but also on the accessibility and detail included in their example reports. I had selected Gold Crest Charted Surveyors, who were very keen to do it quickly, but ultimately, my mortgage provider ended up giving an option to get it done through them. It was only an additional £30, and I knew it was therefore trusted and would be sent in a timely manner. This also meant I would get the valuation for free. This was done through a company called Valunation.
The survey was completed the week after and the detail report sent a few days later. They gave me the opportunity to speak to the surveyor to ask further questions and he clarified a few points which I was unsure of. For example about localised high damp meter readings. I asked where these were located, to be told in the lounge. It was useful to hear that he did not consider this to be a significant issue, bearing in mind the age and type of construction.
There a few other concerning factors to me, but after getting both my dad and sister (who used to be a surveyor herself) to read the report, they said there was nothing that they would be overly concerned with. The main two areas were the electrics which I had already planned to replace and the utility room, which again was going to be replaced at some point, with new built in units and potentially a downstairs toilet.
Ultimately, the reports summarised that there was no significant risks to the building or the structure of the property, and despite paying over the value of the house at the time, he thought this was an appropriate price, which gave me a little more comfort. Likewise, by the time I move in, with the current market, it might even be valued at the price, as house prices have increased by 5% in the last 6 months alone.
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