New Series for 2022

Last year I did a new series for round ups for each month and whilst I loved doing those, like I mentioned, they did end up getting a little repetitive. Something I love to do is travelling. With Covid restrictions, travelling has certainly been limited and restricted over the past two years but it’s also given me the opportunity to explore a little more of the U.K. 

Last year, without travelling abroad, we did quite a lot of U.K. cities and it was a lot of fun being forced to stay “local”. Last year, I shared a “Your Guide to a Day Trip to: Prague” post and I loved researching and writing about an exciting city break. Of course, Prague is one place I haven’t been but it did spark my interest in the topic. 

This year, I am starting a new series! I will sharing regular posts for a city guide as such, “Your Guide to a Day Trip to:”. I have a little bit of a backlog of previous places I have been that I plan to share and then perhaps going forward, I will research and write in preparation for my own travel plans in the future. It will be a great opportunity for me to prepare in advance! 

Is there anywhere you want more information on? Where would you like to see visited in the series? 
