Early Career Leadership Fellowship
As most are probably aware, at university I was very keen to complete additional modules, projects and courses. The same has continued as a qualified midwife and once I finish my preceptorship programme, my plan is to apply to complete a Masters degree. I hope to apply in the next couple of weeks, probably by the time this post goes live!
In the meantime, my trust recently advertised the opportunity to complete an Early Career Leadership Fellowship. Career wise, I hope to go on to be a band 7 co-ordinating midwife in the future. Likewise, I am keen to keep pushing myself and develop both professionally and personally going forward.
A key goal for me is to develop my leadership skills particularly as it applies so well to potential careers. When I came across this opportunity, I thought it would be a great fit. For a fully funded course to cover the topic through the trust is great and so of course, I jumped on the opportunity and applied.
I have had roles in leadership before, but no formal training and I feel this would further skills I already have, whilst also developing my confidence in them. I like how this is a structured programme with guidance throughout, whilst also allowing for independent time.
With this being an additional responsibility, alongside my full time job, it will further teach me about time management and planning. I thought prior to qualifying, I was good at managing my own time, and whilst I believe this to be the case, I think this skill has definitely been further improved by managing my own caseload of clients and having to plan out my clinical duties throughout my shifts.
Maternity, especially at the trust, is undergoing a lot of changes and has done since I was a third year student, going into being a newly qualified midwife especially. I currently feel a little out of depth and unsure on how to feedback and promote these changes so I feel this leadership fellow will support me to do so. It will also be great to continue to develop practice changes that will influence and benefit both maternity healthcare professionals within the multidisciplinary team and clients alike.
I have recently found out my application has been successful and I am excited to begin next month!
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