Too Good to Go (Review)
Every year, more than one-third of food is thrown away. Too Good To Go is trying to change that. They are a mobile app which you can download on Android or iOS phones. There is also a website, however it's much more difficult to navigate. You can use the app to purchase Magic Bags. These are filled with delicious, unsold and surplus food from businesses near you. They are always a surprise and would otherwise be wasted.
The app is simple and easy to use. Once downloaded, you can set your preferences for stores, location, pick up times and type of food as well. The surplus food is always discounted and usually a bargain. For example, Co-Op tends to do bags of groceries for £4, worth at least £12.
This time I ordered a Costa bag. I was so excited. I am quite a fussy eater and the main downside to these bags is that unfortunately, you can't set likes/dislikes or even dietary requirements. Last time I bought a Costa Magic Bag, I've had some delicious baked goods, a cheese and ham toastie or even a bacon roll.
This time, the bag was much heavier than it has been previously which was a good start, however that's where the disappointment started. I unfortunately didn't end up liking any of the food and living alone, with it all going out of date by the end of the night, I offered some of it to neighbours. Inside, there was a children's cheese sandwich, two adult sandwiches (chicken and ham with mayo), watermelon and then two vegan box meals (mac n cheese and burritos).
Have you tried Too Good to Go? There used to be a referral programme but that has gone now, so if you want something, go ahead and grab it because it's a bargain anyway.
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