Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (Review)

The last book I read on my Jamaican holiday was Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. It was a book that I picked up or free in my first year at the University of Nottingham, as part of their Nottingham Reading Programme. I never got around to reading it as student, but I thought it was a perfect option to take away on holiday as it was a paperback, shorter book. I actually thought when I first picked it up, that it was written by a student, so I was surprised when it was written by a famous author. 

I was pleasantly surprised when I started reading that the book was relatively easy to read. It used some archaic words and vocabulary, but otherwise it read like a relatively normal, modern day book. I did find the perspective change in the first half a little confusing, skipping between three different scenes, sometimes with just a paragraph of text between. 

The story shares a modern world where scientists have developed genetic perfection to create individuals through a child rearing process and no familial bonds, alongside what is essentially "West Indian Reserves" where normal life continues in severe poverty. 

I've really enjoyed reading it and it's made me feel both more educated and well versed in literature. I'm surprised it's never been brought to my attention before. I am very excited to discuss it with my grandma as I'm sure she has read it. I liked the interaction between the characters and the journey the leads go through in learning to accept the differences between perspectives. 

It reminds me very much of the more famous 1948, but it was actually written prior to this publication, so I imagine George Orwell was inspired by it to a certain extent. I have also seen there is actually somewhat of a sequel written in both essay form in Brave New World Revisited, and with his final novel, Island, which is the utopian counterpart. I may try and read it at some point in the future! 
